The history of the Janaraja Perahera

Memorable moments of the Janaraja Perahera held on 19th February 2023


The First Janaraja Perahera (Pageant) was held in Kandy viewed by President Ranil Wickremesinghe from Maha Maluwa while being seated in a specially erected dais. The pageant had  three Tuskers and the Centre Tusker carried the State Emblem under a Golden Canopy.
It is not a ritual of the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Tooth), or the ten Devales (Shrines), but an order by the President of the country and arranged by the Diyawadana Nilame. 

The first known Perahera by a decree of the King was in 1753, when Keerthi Sri Raja Singhe ordered a Perahera to be held in Honour of Upali Maha Thera; who brought Upasampada rites.  But he had to have it on a second day, when Upali Thera questioned as to why the Sacred Tooth Relic was not carried in the procession, but only in the Devale Perahera’s. 

The order of the day was for Devale’s to enact the Esala Perahera in Kandy as the Sri Dalada Maligawa did not participate in the Perahera.  It was a ritual among the Devales of God Natha, Maha Vishnu, Kataragama and Goddess Paththini.

The King then ordered a second perahera on the following day with the Sacred Tooth Relic, which was in his custody, to be taken in the Perahera.
It is not clear how a Raja Perahera came into being as no writer of yesteryear had shown the existence of a Raja Perahera or a Perahera ordered by  Royalty, except the Perahera ordered by King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe for Upali Maha Thera.  

But Peraheras had been held when British Royals visited Kandy on the orders of the Governor, and whether one could call them a Raja Perahera is a matter of opinion. It was considered that the Maligawa belongs to the State, until the British handed over its custody to the present custodians, the Diyawadana Nilame and the two Mahanayakes of the two Maha Viharas. It is recorded in a newspaper called ‘Lakrivikirana’ that on 25th March 1870 there had been a Perahera for Prince Ernest Alfred- Duke of Edinburgh in Kandy- when the Governor was Sir Hercules Robinson ordered the Perahera. The Duke had viewed the Perahera from under a Pandal erected near the Statue of Ward and the Perahera had gone around the Lake. The Duke came on a hunting expedition, but knifed a bull and not an elephant. 



The organizers also brought a group of ‘Veddas’ at a cost of Rs 122/= according to records of expenditure. 
It is also recorded in the same newspaper on April 16th, that 25 Pounds (must be Sterling Pounds) was collected from the low country Sinhalese and given to the ‘Kachcheri Ralahamy’ for the fireworks display. On this day, it is recorded, that the fireworks display went on for two hours.

The Prince was also presented with a “Bulath Hambilia” (a small handbag to carry betel leaves) by the Secretary of the Kandy Municipal Council C.P.Laird
Then again there had been a Perahera of 36 Tuskers who were brought into the then King’s Pavilion (now Janadhipathi Mandiraya ) as to form a Perahera for the Prince of Wales, who later became King Edward who later became King.

Then again the Perahera was held for the benefit of Duke of Cornwall and Duchess of  Cornwall and that too was taken into the King’ Pavilion. The Duke and Duchess are reported to have viewed the Perahera from the Balcony of King’s Pavilion

In both these instances the Dewa Nilame (presently termed as Diyawadana Nilame) and the Kandyan Chiefs were present at the King’s pavilion (present Janadhipathi Mandiraya ).
The last instance had been during the presentation of the “Coffee Flower” Fountain which was for the Prince of Wales.  The “Times” and ‘Ceylon Observer’ had carried news items regarding the events.     

But, If one traces back to a Raja Perahera it could be said that a Raja Perahera if ever held would date back to 1753. This was with the arrival of Upali Maha Thera from Siam ( now Thailand ) bringing Upasampada rites.
On this day King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe had ordered a Perahera for Upali Maha Thera and he is said to have witnessed this pageant from the Sri Dalada Maligawa premises. At that time only the Devale Perahera’s were engaged in a Perahera around the Palace Square.

The Thera had questioned the King as to why the Sacred Tooth Relic was not carried in the Perahera and it is after this event that the Sacred Tooth Relic had been carried in the Maligawa Perahera.  But after the Kandyan Kingdom was ceded to the British the Sacred Tooth Relic was not carried in the procession. Instead the Relics of Buddha were carried in the Golden Perahera Karanduwa.

Then during the first Independence celebration in 1948 a Raja Perahera had been held at Kandy, but there is no record that Hon. D.S.Senanayake participated in the event.

Then again when Sirimavo Bandaranaike declared Sri Lanka as a Republic, there is no record of a Raja Perahera being held.  She had also said “I have gifted the Maha Maluwa and the Pattirippuwa for the Sacred Tooth Relic.
Then a Raja Perahera should have been held in 1998 for the Independence celebrations in Kandy, but the ‘bomb blast ‘made it impossible. Though Gen. Ratwatte requested several times from the Mahan Nayakes of Asgiriya, who were in charge of the Service at that time.  The event was cancelled.

This Raja Perahera ended and the Perahera held on the 19th February was the first “JANARAJA PERAHERA’’.
However there is no record that the Diyawadana Nilame or the Basnayake Nilames took part in an official Raja Perahera like in the ones held following the orders of King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe for Upali Thera. The Raja Perahera has nothing to do with the customs of the Maligawa or the Devales.

It is on record that the Diyawadana Nilame and the Basnayake Nilames went together at the end of the Perahera and there was no divided Perahera for Devales as was done on the 19th of Februvary
Therefore it stands that the FIRST EVER JANARAJA Perahera was enacted on 19th February 2023.


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