The last solution -A long rock wall

Human-Elephant Conflict     Follow


Ode to the elephant and all living creatures as preached by Lord Buddha….Pnathi Patha Veramani Sikka Padam Samadhiyami. Take a breather; ask yourself the agony an elephant goes through in captivity? Is it not inhuman? They are whipped with billhooks which are merciless and sharp iron tools. They scream in agony. To top it all, a famous temple in Colombo South tortured a screaming elephant, merged in water in the presence of the chief incumbent (The so, called disciple of Lord Buddha who always preached ahimsa). In time, the law moved to stop his imminent death. This is one painful death among thousands taking place in a highly revered Buddhist country.
Moving into their natural habitats that are rightfully their own and plundered by encroachers calling themselves farmers who pretend they are being harassed by elephants.

This is a big joke that the Wildlife Department and the Government try to swallow to avoid a serious situation.
Be FIRM; will you even at this last stage and save the precious, innocent elephant and all wildlife who are voiceless; when every act has failed and blown away in the wind.


Long term benefits
A long winding and tall stone wall (rock wall) cannot be done overnight but stage by stage, week by week month by month and year by year. Take a cue from the Great-wall of China erected with no facilities but only by manual labour until it was completed. we too can follow this great example.

01. Almost all squatters to be cleared and alternate land provided that is found in abundance in our country.

02. By this system, weather patterns will be kept in control. No floods, no droughts etc. where people try to induce artificial rain. No felling of trees nor burning bushfire.

03. Rivers, lakes, streams, water paths will be in constant movement, No drying-up or overflowing etc.

04. If the government can construct and build highways crisscrossing the country in no time, they can do the same to build a rock wall. For the moment, constructing highways can stop whereas the state can attend to this alarming matter. The longer the wait, the more and more encroachers will swarm the wilds. Without or with highways people will not go in hunger.  

05. What else can I suggest? Can you fill in the answers where I have left out? This is a request to the Wildlife and Government officials, STRICTLY ABIDING WITH NO ELEPHANTS IN CAPTIVITY. Not even in temples. We do not need them parading in Peraheras. Nowhere in the world in Buddhist or non-Buddhist countries is this done.

06. Educate tourists we do not need their patronage at the hands of cruelty to our elephants. They can be seen at the Zoo or places like Pinnawala.

Many countries like Thailand have stopped their annual polo tournament and Nepal along with some South Asian countries are poised to follow suit along with the prevention of them taking part in circuses and carnivals.

They all have realized that the elephant is not a victim of their fancies but an intelligent, highly sociable animal who wants to be treated with love and care and who feels pain, sorrow and happiness just like all of us. They are not happy when tourists ride on them or exposed to them in captivity in hotels.

Let them all free. They are all born free.


Many other benefits 
01. Removal of electric fence. Safe for both man and elephant.
02. Colossal money spent on maintenance and power which otherwise can be generated for public use.
03. Growth of vegetation, feed-crops for elephants, permanent rainforest, large trees whose strong ranches for big cats to relax and watch for their prey as they cannot climb rock/stones of great height, unable them to grasp. 
04. Air dropping of seeds such as Jo Joba (Pronounced Ho Hoba) that grows wild and nourishing food-crop not only to elephants but all.


Royal patronage for the elephant
Prince William of Britain has taken over the protection and substance of the African elephant and a blessing for them. They are in good care. 

He has dedicated a part of his life to their cause and with personal supervision, the African elephant will be saved and no one can mislead him. Of course, he is a rescue pilot which is an advantage for him to have an aerial view and at once find any missing elephant. 

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