Tips to save energy at home

Energy conservation has stepped in to an entirely new level with the advancement of technology and other factors. All types of energy produced have an impact on the environment and therefore it is quite necessary to save energy as much as possible. Some of the main reasons of conserving energy include the consumption of fossil fuels which are a nonrenewable resource. This means that in time to come the last chunk of coal and the last drop of oil would be dug from the Earth. On the other hand using fossil fuels and some other forms of energy would pollute the environment. These two reasons are absolutely important in today’s context and therefore we have to consider alternative methods of conserving energy.

Here are a few tips which you could follow at home :

•    Run your refrigerator efficiently :
Your fridge is always switched on, making it one of your most expensive appliances. Make sure the door seal is tight and free from gaps so cold air can't escape. An ideal fridge temperature is 4 or 5 degrees and an ideal freezer temperature is minus 15 to minus 18 degrees Celsius. If you have a second fridge or freezer, only turn it on when you need it.


 Insulate your roof :
An insulated ceiling makes a big difference to your energy bills. If you already have insulation installed, check that it is properly installed and has the right rating (measured in 'R-value'). 


Stop standby power waste :

Up to 10% of your electricity could be used by gadgets and appliances that are on standby. A standby power controller will automatically reduce standby time and switch appliances off when not in use


Save energy in the kitchen :

Thaw frozen food in your fridge to reduce cooking time. When you are cooking, use the microwave when you can – it uses much less energy than an electric oven. If you use the stove, keep lids on your pots to reduce cooking time.


Use energy-efficient light globes :

Replace old incandescent and halogen light globes with energy-efficient globes. Energy-efficient globes save power and last longer. 


Conserve water :

Using less water will lower your water bill. And when you use less hot water, you’ll also see savings in your gas bill or your electric bill if you have an electric water heater.


Plant more trees and shrubs :

Planting shady trees around your house would lower your summer energy bill by reducing your home’s exposure to the sun.


Sri Lanka too has moved towards energy conservation through major government projects such as the ‘Battle for Solar Power.’ United Tractors is one source where you would have access to a fully integrated approach to electric power in Sri Lanka. Many of the biggest buildings and industrial facilities in the country are powered by Cat generators. The most power dependent institutions such as hospitals and 5 star hotels too rely on Cat power.

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