Wickrema de Alwis A gentleman par excellence

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The curtain came down on the life of Wickrema De Alwis (Wick) on 20th October leaving friends and family to reflect on the qualities of a man that made him not just one of the finest Tea planters the industry had known, but also a true gentleman in every sense of the word.   

My association with ‘Wick’ as he was fondly known goes back to the mid seventies when as a young Executive at George Steuarts.  I was assigned the awesome task of handling the desk of the Company’s most prestigious charge viz ‘ The Standard Tea Company, which comprised six remarkable Estates, three in Uda Pussellawa and the balance in Bogawantalawa/Lindula.  

‘Wick’ was the Superintendent of one of them, viz Kotiyagala Group in Bogawantalawa, a highly profitable property with a popular selling mark which he took great pride in . His leadership was by example, combining the highest level of Integrity with a “ No Nonsense “ approach to work and ethics that were impossible to surpass and yet worthy to emulate.  

Not surprisingly every young planter who served under him went on to reach great heights in their own careers.

Following the nationalisation of Plantations in 1975/76 ‘Wick’ was appointed to chair a Regional Board by the Government where his expertise and high standards benefited a cluster of estates.   

He became a much sought after ‘Visiting Agent’.  

His official residences had beautifully manicured lawns surrounded by exotic roses while his impeccably maintained homes were a joy to visit.
In retirement he lived initially in Watapuluwa off Kandy.

He followed our nation’s cricket with a passion.

He was blessed in his domestic Saveria , a faithful “ Man Friday “ of almost forty years whose loyalty and respect for his master remained unwavering throughout that period....a rare occurrence indeed and yet a reflection of a large and caring heart that ‘Wick’ hid under a strict and exacting exterior. 

Sadly the collapse of the Golden Key Finance Company where he had a major part of his life savings, cruelly devastated his life and took inevitable toll of his health. He was compelled to move to a retirement home in Bolgoda where he spent his final years in decline. 

 Though miles away ‘Wick’, you are very much in my thoughts. 

May you find “ Peaceful Rest “ as you deserve.   

S. Skandakumar, 
(Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in Australia) Canberra  

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