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Today, I am deviating from my usual style and giving you some SOLID ADVICE, SOME BRAIN TEASERS AND PUN AND FUN. Part of what you are about to read goes back to the old days and the rest to what happens now; hence, the caption!  
A study in the United States says more than 51% of elderly people fall due to climbing stairs. Every year there are 20,000 deaths in the US due to climbing stairs and experts advise that after 65 years, you SHOULD NOT EVEN ATTEMPT THE FOLLOWING:  

  • Climbing up the stairs or on to a ladder  
  • Turning too fast or turning around too fast  
  • Bending over your feet  
  • Putting on pants while standing  
  • Sit ups  
  • Turning the waist left and right  
  • Stepping backwards  
  • Bending to lift heavy items  
  • Standing suddenly when getting up from bed  
  • Straining too hard  

We are told that the above movements which annually cause deaths after 65 years should be strictly adhered to.  
Additionally, there are four examples of simple knowledge that can help us help ourselves and others: FOOD CHOKING, WRONG 


Choking on food - You only need to raise your hands. By raising your hands above your head, the food stuck in your throat will go down by itself.   
Wrong pillow – Sometimes when you wake up you feel a pain in the neck. What to do when the pillow is wrong? You only need to lift your feet, then pull your toes and massage in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction.  
Feet cramps – When feeling cramps in your left leg, raise your right hand high. Likewise when cramping is in your right leg, raise your left hand high. You will immediately feel better.  
Tingling feet - When the left foot is tingling, swing your right palm with all your strength and when the right foot is tingling, swing your left palm with all your strength.  
I am sharing all of this because, who knows, it could be useful and save lives.  


  • Which letter is silent in the word ‘Scent’ the S or the C?  
  • Do twins ever realise that one of them is ‘Unplanned?’  
  • The word ‘swims’ upside down is still ‘swims’  
  • 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today, everyone has cars and only the rich have horses!  
  • If you replace ‘W’ with ‘T’ in ‘What,’ ‘Where,’ and ‘When’ you get the answer to each of them.  

If you are enjoying this; then let’s share some more  

  • At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours?  
  • If people evolve from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?  
  • Why is there a ‘D’ in fridge but not in refrigerator?  
  • Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?  
  • Wonder why the word ‘Funeral’ starts with FUN?  
  • If money doesn’t grow on trees, how come Banks have Branches?  


  • Phones Wireless  
  • Cooking Fireless  
  • Cars Keyless  
  • Food Fatless  
  • Tyres Tubeless  
  • Tools Cordless  
  • Dress Sleeveless  
  • Youth Jobless  
  • Leaders Shameless  
  • Relationships Meaningless  
  • Attitudes Careless  
  • Wives Fearless  
  • Babies Fatherless  
  • Feelings Heartless  
  • Education Valueless  
  • Children Mannerless  
  • Governments Useless  
  • Parliament Clueless  
  • Masses Helpless  

Everything is becoming LESS but our hope in God is ENDLESS. In fact, I am SPEECHLESS because salvation ALONE REMAINS PRICELESS!!!

                                                                                                     THE VOICE                                                                                                             


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