You are in the beautiful flowers that bloom...

Poem for Mooch: 10th death anniversary     Follow

In loving memory of my grandmother – Bona de Lanerolle 
Ten years went by, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, 
And the keys on your piano now play no more. 
You are not here with us but neither are you gone, 
I can still see your ‘Poppets’ dancing to your song. 
Seven sisters and kingfishers dancing in the rain, 
Everything here is still the same. 
Butterflies and dragonflies in our garden galore, 
But you’re not here Mooch to see them anymore. 
Ever ready to give away the shirt off your back, 
Humanity and compassion were things you could never lack. 
All of our troubles you took on like they were your own, 
If ever I needed help it was you I could phone. 
You now do not live in the home of your father, 
Like so many generations lived there before and after. 
But these many extensions of you live on, they do, 
And in their thoughts and memories so will you. 
Your great grandchildren are not babies anymore, 
Ali’s a young lady and Josh a teen you know… 
Ali loves backing and has magic clever hands, 
Josh loves cars, coding and has big YouTuber plans. 
You are like the waves that come to shore like a heartbeat, 
Like the sea sand that clings to my feet. 
You are in the beautiful flowers that bloom, 
And in the cool breeze that blows at noon. 
You are in the rising sun and first ray into my room, 
And in my children’s laughter and the way they grow too soon. 
You are in the purple sunset and the golden cloud’s hems, 
Also in the silver moon and twinkling sky gems. 
You are in the song that plays on your Joo-joo’s lips, 
And in my dancing feet and hips. 
You are in the hope that keeps me going, 
In my love and strength that keeps me growing. 
You are in the warm sun that touches my skin, 
I’ve seen you in the wagging tails of Coal and Pebbikin, 
I’ve seen you in Laka’s innocent eye, 
And in Bucky’s ‘Meow’ and Tigger’s purr you lie. 
I know you are in heaven smiling down at my playful way, 
And I know each time God moves in my favour it’s because of something you say. 
I’m betting the angels are dancing to all of the tunes you play, 
And I know you still care about us as you know no other way.   
devaki wirasingha  

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