a.f.dawood - a versatile pedagogue and story writer

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I was profoundly shocked to learn the demise of A.F. Dawood   

With whom, for nearly fifty years, my harmonious relationship with him stood   
His earthy life ended in 2015 in the night of December thirteen   
Carry I a rich storehouse of memories which will remain evergreen.   
I have vivid memories when I met him at AMA for the first time   
This was when we were carefree and in youthful prime   
Blossomed our friendship sans any hiccups over the years   
Meeting, discussing, caring, sharing amid joys and cheers.   
A unique friendship that stood tall, great and very strong   
As offspring of well respected parents whose genes we adorn   
A born artist, versatile teacher, good story teller-all he cherished   
A pedagogue par excellence whose explanations all relished   
A strict taskmaster who executed his duties with keen devotion   
Being a person of principles, he believed in steadfast dedication   
Believed in ethics and good morals that enhanced his integrity   
Passionate to serve all with humility, decorum and dignity   
Displayed courtesy and decency with his admirable, 
amiable nature   
Imparting knowledge, indulging in writing that grew in stature   
Worked strictly according to his planned scheduled time   
And did not wait leisurely for the clock to chime   
As a regular writer of short stories, he made his mark   
Their publication made him as happy as a lark   
Readers of the popular Sunday Observer will greatly miss   
His arresting, captivating stories read with much relish.   
As an active social activist, I had an occasion to remark   
That he should launch a book, and so we decided to embark   
With God’s grace, it happened on June 12, 2014, indeed a pleasure   
Encompassing some gems inside, what a fine treasure!   
As a long time, bosom pal, I felt I was duty bound   
To organize the launching ceremony for his stories to go around   
Such a gifted writer, he eminently deserved many awards   
But never went behind big personages to win rewards   
I cherish the memory of that memorable launching day  
When he and I made speeches in our own inimitable way   
When his “magnum opus” was launched, it was his finest hour   
But, Alas! soon he kissed good bye in keeping with the 
Maker’s power   
Just 2 ½ years after the launch, my close friend had to leave,   
Making us, kith and kin, wife and three children grieve,   
Cutting short his versatile teaching and gifted writing skills.   
We mortals are helpless; death inevitable as Allah wills   
We can only pray him to grant him Jennathul Firdous, Aameen.   
Note Well: A M A is Auto Mobile Association

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