preventing mankind from committing Sins

Vitality of Ramadan

Muslims across the world are earnestly waiting for holy Ramadan which falls on March 22, in the current year.  The prime duty of a Muslim in the month of Ramadan is to fast from dawn to dusk for thirty days. The month of Ramadan possesses numerous benefits for mankind and the almighty Allah and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad (sal) have insisted mankind to fast during the month of Ramadan except for travellers and the sick due to the rewards and respect offered by Allah and his messenger. (Allah says about the fasting person), “He has left his food, drink and desires for my sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times”. Allah has given his assurance to the person who fasts during Ramadan and He is so happy and proud of the fasting person and He says himself that He would reward for the fasting. 

A Muslim who fasts during the month of Ramadan sacrifices his food, drink and desires for the sake of Allah and these meritorious acts will definitely reflect on the Dooms Day and he would reap the benefits of fasting on Judgement Day where Allah will be the Judge for all mankind. Prophet (Sal) said, “When the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of the (Hell) Fire are closed, and the devils are chained.

The thirty-day fasting is divided into three phases; the first phase is for Allah’s Rahmath, the second is for Magfirath and the last phase of Ramadan Ithikum minannar. The Muslims who commit sins for eleven months should stop committing sins and they should turn to Allah’s forgiveness and involve in fasting, prayers, reciting Quran and make charities and sadaqas during the entire month of Ramadan. 

The Almighty Allah promised to give the fasting mankind a special reward for every good deed a Muslim does during this month. Unlike other months a sunnath is counted as Firl and a Firl is counted as seventy Firl in the month of Ramadan. 

We should engage in good deeds, prayers, recitation and the special Sunnath prayer Tharaveeh under a proper timetable. Every Muslim who has determined to fast should also commit to recite the 30 Jews of Holy Quran during the month of Ramadan.  We also should not miss the opportunity to make arrangements to breakfast for a fasting person and grab benefits from Allah. We also should make sure that we perform five-time prayers with congregational prayer every day. We should also focus on the poor and needy who are struggling to fast without meals and sustenance due to the current economic crisis in the country. We should all remember that this a holy and respectful month and we should also respect and honour this month through meritorious acts and deeds.

Finally, Almighty Allah gives us the opportunity to fast and obtain the all benefits which he has promised mankind.
M. Jalaldeen Isfan  

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