3 traits of successful people

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They are all around us – those individuals who always seem to be in complete control of their lives and at the top of their professions. They are paragons of success who seem to think on a different wavelength and have achieved great things in their lives. The world calls them ‘successful’: they belong to the Top 5%, those who have set themselves apart from the rest. Certain characteristics and personalities have helped them produce epic results, where others have failed.  

So let’s take a look at some traits of these ‘successful’ people, those who seem to produce amazing work in various aspects of life.  


Focus inward  
Successful people spend a large amount of time focusing on their personal growth and upgrading their skills / competencies - this increases their value proposition in the competitive job market to ensure they demand a higher salary. They are ‘Lifelong learners’ and invest heavily in their education, learning and skill development.  

Successful people also develop a growth mindset. In their book Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness, the authors talk about how the brightest intellectual minds spend much time intensely studying their industry and chosen fields, in order to surpass competition. The authors explain that fully absorbed intense learning in the area you are interested in will result in the individual doing his best work and achieving an ideal state of the mind that psychologists call the ‘Flow State’.   

Research has shown that this ideal state is where people in various fields, ranging from sports to entrepreneurship to creative work, actually grow their minds and creativity through highly focused, concentrated learning experiences (under the right environments - free from all distraction and noise)  


The right habits and routines ensure successful people are always on the right path to their destinations, whether in thei’r personal lives or professional careers


Daily habits and routines
The right habits and routines ensure successful people are always on the right path to their destinations, whether in thei’r personal lives or professional careers. In his best-selling book The Power of Habit’, author Charles Duhigg talks about habit formation through the Habit Loop - Cue, Routine and Reward.   

For example talking about a bad habit such as smoking, the ‘Cue’ for lighting up the cigarette might be stress. The ‘Routine’ would be the stimulation through the nicotine and the ‘Reward’ will be the temporary good feeling for the smoker after having a smoke. A good habit can be formed by keeping the Cue and the Reward, but changing the Routine.  

In this manner successful people can separate the Good habits and Bad habits in their daily routines - ensuring their lives are automated by Good Habits which make them run on auto-pilot. This allows them to devote brain-power / mental focus to more crucial decisions and activities, which affect success in their industry.  


Successful people also develop a growth mindset. In their book Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness, the authors talk about how the brightest intellectual minds spend much time intensely studying their industry and chosen fields, in order to surpass competition


Deep work Vs. shallow work  
Successful people have the ability to focus intensely on assigned tasks to ensure completion by a given deadline. In his book Deep Work: Rules for focused success in a distracted world, author Cal Newport explains that amidst the various distractions we now face (in this era of internet and social media technologies) in the work place, going deep will become a key differentiator for success in 
modern society.  

The author goes onto define Deep Work as “professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit”. We now see a trend in people resorting to more Shallow Work, work which is not cognitively demanding (demanding to the brain) and which can be easily replicated by others (even machines / automation).  

Successful people have mastered the art of Deep Work (freeing themselves from distractions) by carrying out cognitively demanding tasks which produce quality epic work – this sets them apart from the rest of the crowd in the marketplace.  

Success can be a long journey - hopefully these tips will help you get to your desired destination! 


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