Vehicle prices up from Monday Liquor prices up with Budget BUDGET 2016 LIVE BLOG 18:24 - Budget 2016 reading concluded 18:18 - Sri Lanka to be made asbestos free by 2018. Roofing tile companies to be granted a 50% tax incentive for three years to encourage production of enviornmentally friendly material 18:17- Special facilities to be granted to VVI
The Interim Budget 2015 presented before the parliament by Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake. 15:40 - Interim Budget 2015 reading concluded 15:39 - Prohibition imposed on Ministies and state institutions from publishing promotional newspapaper advertisements 15:32 - Special committee to be set up ro resolve issues caused by irregular finance bodies within six months 15:32 - Public transportation costs to reduce by
Sri Lanka’s tourist arrivals surpass 2 million in 2024
Auction yields slump for third consecutive week
Moody’s raises Sri Lanka’s rating
ASPI crosses the 15,000 mark for the first time
‘Cardinal’ only used to polish the floor: Pastor Jerome
Govt. has not yet decided when to assign official vehicles to MPs
Sharp increase in financial frauds during festive season: SLCERT