Let them vote from abroad -- Ethara Api

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"Speaking at a media briefing today, Ethera Api chairman and JVP MP Sunil Hadunnetti stated that the aim was to allow the more than one million Sri Lankans living abroad, to cast their votes at future elections"



By Sanath Desmond
The JVP affiliated Ethera Api organisation announced yesterday that it was planning to initiate discussions with the Elections Commissioner to implement a system to enable Sri Lankans domiciled abroad to cast their votes at future elections.
Speaking at a media briefing today, Ethera Api chairman and JVP MP Sunil Hadunnetti stated that the aim was to allow the more than one million Sri Lankans living abroad, to cast their votes at future elections.
“We have already brought the matter to the notice of the Elections Commissioner and he seemed to hold a positive attitude towards the proposal,” he said.
Hadunnetti said they would propose a voting system that could be operated through diplomatic missions by means of IT technology.  He added that the president had, while in Italy recently, hinted at the possibility of adopting such a system.
“We hope to get a positive response to give thousands of Sri Lankans a chance to vote at elections in future,” he said.

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