Sajith shot down by Dy. Speaker     Follow

By Ke­lum Ban­dara and Yo­han Per­era Depu­ty Speak­er
Chan­di­ma Weer­akk­o­dy yes­ter­day shot down an at­tempt by Uni­ted Na­tion­al Par­ty (UNP) front-lin­er Sa­jith Pre­ma­da­sa to raise the is­sue of post-elec­tion vi­o­lence against UNP sup­port­ers in the Uva Prov­ince.
Mr. Pre­ma­da­sa at­temp­ted to raise this mat­ter on a point of or­der, but the Depu­ty Speak­er ar­gued that it was not some­thig to be raised in such a man­ner.
He even said the Op­po­si­tion Lead­er would raise this at the ap­pro­pri­ate time.
An­noyed by Mr. Weer­akk­o­dy’s re­marks, Mr. Pre­ma­da­sa asked, “Why are you try­ing to un­der­cut me.”
“I am not un­der­cut­ing you. You must be aware of who is back­stab­bing you. Don’t try to do the work meant to be done by the Op­po­si­tion Lead­er,” Mr. Weer­akk­o­dy said.


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