TNA should be registered soon: Selvam     Follow



By Navaraththinam Kapilanath
The constituent parties of the Tamil National Alliance, Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK), Tamil Eelam liberation Organisation (TELO), Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF) and People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE) should expedite the registration of the TNA as a political party, Vanni District Parliamentarian Selvam Adaikalanathan said addressing a media on Wednesday at Vairavapuliyankulam in Vavuniya.
“We will uphold the unity as anticipated by our people. The people would reject us if we contest under different party symbols. We should not display the different opinion held by us and shatter the hopes and aspirations of our people. We would discuss this issue with ITAK leader Mavai Senathirajah and do the needful soon and work towards evolving a permanent solution for our people,” he said.



"He criticised the President as using harsh words on the Tamil community and said  that the TNA condemned the President’s speech,” he said."



He criticised the President as using harsh words on the Tamil community and said  that the TNA condemned the President’s speech,” he said.
“Lands were acquired in an indiscriminate manner. We are not free to engage in marine industry. Our lands were held by the forces citing them as located in the High Security Zones. Our people live with relatives and in refugee camps. Intelligence sleuths are deployed all over the North to monitor our activities.”  
He said that the President was on an election drive in the North.
“This government has oppressed Tamils. The government should not think that we are puppets of theirs. Colonisation is taking place all over the North. The President had approached the Tamils to garner the support for the Presidential Election due to a fear that there could be a decline in Sinhala votes.”

“The President stated that he would resettle Sinhala people like the Tamils in the North. But the reality is that our people had lost their lands in Vavuniya and Jaffna. We strongly condemn his statement and we would fight against it,” Adaikkalanathan said.

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