11 vital provisions for Maithri palanaya - EDITORIAL

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The common Opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena, widely seen to be growing in stature and popularity,  took a major step in the campaign for the presidential election on January 8 by presenting a manifesto combining the highest spiritual dimensions of the Dhamma with the ground realities of today’s situation.

Presenting the 10,160 word manifesto at the Viharamaha Devi Park in the presence of the Maha Sangha, leaders of several opposition parties in the common front and most significantly about  200 farmers, the son of a Polonnaruwa farmer pledged his administration would work on the theme “a compassionate Maithri governance and a new stable country in 100 days”.  He said one of the most hallowed and practically important concepts in the Buddha Dhamma would be the guideline for the new Maithri administration, that is “those who live the Dhamma will be protected by the Dhamma”.

 Though there was a power cut during the launch—one of many acts of sabotage and blatant abuse of public resources in the campaign by the ruling alliance—Maithripala Sirisena stood strong and outlined 11 main proposals to begin the rebuilding of a new Sri Lanka within 100 days. The 11 proposals are constitutional amendments guaranteeing democracy, a development economy, a moral society, food security and sustainable agriculture,
healthcare for all, free education to face new challenges, international relations that defend the country, industry and services to eradicate unemployment, an advanced and responsible public sector, energy security for Sri Lanka and media freedom with meaning and substance.

According to Mr. Sirisena, he will act within hundred days for the abolition of the present executive presidential system which has unlimited powers and has caused serious damage to society. To do this, he believes he could obtain the support of the Members of
Parliament of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party that has the majority in Parliament. The main Opposition  United National Party has signed an agreement with him to pass this amendment. Instead of the present autocratic executive presidential system he will introduce a constitutional structure with an Executive that is allied to the Parliament through the Cabinet. The Janatha Vimukti Peramuna has agreed with the SLFP to do so since 1994. The Jathika Hela Urumaya has signed an agreement with him to support this measure. Therefore he will discuss with other parties and pass this amendment without fail within hundred days.

Referring to the economy, Mr. Sirisena says the policies of the Rajapaksa administration have promoted hatred instead of compassion, extreme indulgence in pleasures and luxuries instead of the middle path, and attempts to dominate nature instead of co-existing with it. Unfortunately the few who manipulate the country’s economy also try to speedily advance along this evil path.

He says the country is mired in a debt trap and is facing an economic catastrophe.  Mr. Sirisena has pledged he will stop mega corruption and wastage and act to provide the country with development ten times that of the past six years and provide relief to the people.

For this he will set up a National Economic Planning Council comprising learned people who will act with love for the country and prepare a programme aimed at sustainable economic development based on natural and human resources of the country. Custom duties will be relaxed on 10 essential food items to give relief to the people burdened with the high cost of living. The prices of essential food items will come down instantly as a result. The monthly Samurdhi allowance will be increased to a maximum equal to twice the present allowance. The salary of public servants will be increased by Rs, 10,000/- a month. The first increase of Rs. 5,000/- will be provided from February 2015. Pensioners will get a monthly allowance of Rs. 3500 till their salary anomalies are settled.

Interest on the first one million rupees in fixed deposits of senior citizens will be raised to 15 percent. The monthly allowance paid by the government to poor senior citizens suffering from economic deprivation will be increased by Rs 1,500/-. The Rs 40 billion government tax on fuel import will be removed to provide a huge decrease in the price of petrol, diesel, kerosene and LP gas.

If these and other promises, including the pledge to implement the Right to Information Act are implemented—and there is no reason to believe they won’t be—then we may see a new Sri Lanka for the National New Year.   

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