Continuing investigations and reports into Easter Sunday killings

It is over five years since the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks which left over 270 persons dead. The families of the victims in that mass killing still remain traumatised. There has as yet, been no closure to their sufferings as we Lankan’s as a whole and Catholics in particular have no idea as to who master-minded the evil deed.  

The attack itself was carried out by a number of demented terrorists who happened to belong to the Muslim faith. At the time some politicians attempted to use the tragedy to rouse religious ill-feelings and score political points.   
It was the words of wisdom of the leader of the Catholic Church, who while condemning the foul deed, refused to lay the blame at the doorstep of the Muslim community as a whole. He saved the country from bloodbath similar to that which occurred in July 1983. 

In the aftermath of this awful crime, numerous Commissions of Inquiry and varied ‘Committees’ have been investigating it. We had the Molligoda Committee Report, the Presidential Commission of Inquiry Report, the Alwis Committee Report, the Justice Iman Committee Report and a Parliamentary Select Committee Report, all of which inquired into the same attack.  

But we the people, have still no idea as to whether in fact there was a hidden hand behind the commission of the heinous attack. The attack itself was not a single isolated incident. A number of smaller incidents foreshadowed the mass killing. 

While police were investigating these incidents, one of which was the killing of two police personnel, opportunistic politicians attempted to give those killings a racist twist. They claimed the crime was the work of the now defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). False information was also produced to back up these claims. 
The false information turned out to be ‘red herrings’ and led the investigation astray. 

In a strange turn of events, after the presidential election which followed the Easter Sunday mass killing, senior police officers who were charged with investigating the 21 April killings were suddenly withdrawn. A senior officer leading the investigation was among a number of personnel thrown into jail on what appeared to be trumped up charges.  

As mentioned earlier, a number of government appointed bodies have investigated the mass killing and submitted their reports. Particular politicians especially those who led the initial police investigations astray are today crying foul and demanding making various demands! 

It appears they are trying to throw dust in the eyes of the public to gain political advantage at the forthcoming general elections. It is not well known that the various investigative bodies that inquired into the Easter Sunday mass killings did not have prosecutorial rights or powers. 

In contrast, the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) appointed after the 1971 Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) insurgency was a legal body which was empowered with investigative and judicial powers. 

None of the Commissions of Inquiry or Committees which were appointed to investigate into the Easter Sunday bombings were provided with similar judicial powers. The diverse reports they presented, were tools to help the Attorney General who in turn gives direction to police investigators.  

The sudden change of heart of cheap politicians who today claim the Commission Reports were not made public to hide/shield the culprits behind the Easter Sunday carnage, stink to high heaven for vengeance, especially given the fact that some among them attempted to lead investigations astray. 

Again, the immediate past President did in fact hand two Commission Reports to the Catholic Bishops Conference. The fact the document was handed over to the Bishops, means it was in public hands. Let’s not split hairs about this. 

Whether X or Y believes the investigation is not to his/her satisfaction is not the main criteria. What is necessary is that the forces of the law and order need to be free to perform their duty without interference, especially political interference. 

The new president has promised a fresh probe into the killings. We trust this investigation will be free of interference and bring the much needed closure to the sorrow and grief of those left behind.

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