Musician finds solace in late marriage

Included in the repertoire of Victor Rathnayake’s cherished songs is “Daivayogayakin Novedo Hamuwune Api Hamuwune, Daivaye saradam labannata Kima Mese Apa Hamuwune”, a song which narrates one’s own fate.  Victor Rathnayake sang this accompanied by several acoustic guitars at almost all of his “SA” concerts. With such a soul-stirring melody the song became an overnight success, hummed by lovers of his music and songs, even today.  His songs created much sensation among the youth and he became one of the country’s most sought after artistes. His presence at public performances and as a background singer in many films earned him much accolades and tributes.  After the demise of his wife 13 years ago, and the children being all settled down, loneliness crept in.   Neither music nor songs could bring him solace. Though captivated audiences, who found happiness and contentment in his songs, Victor himself felt that without a companion by his side, music alone will not bring him solace and happiness.  Thus, Victor, at the age of 75 chose to marry Hashini (33) a bank employee. It was his “Daivayogaya”or his fate that late in life he had found someone to care for him.   However, the marriage has paved way for controversy with Victor’s children taking a swipe at their father alleging that the marriage was a ploy by the lady to acquire the wealth of the maestro.

No one to care for me

We encountered Victor Rathnayake on the issue

Is it true that you married again?  

Yes, I married again. The story is true. Those who are now creating issues over this affair had never come forward to help me. Those who pose the question as to why I remarried never had helped me even by making a cup of tea or providing me with any meals. I wanted someone in my life. There cannot be any issue over that.  

Is it true that this is the result of a long standing affair?

 Not very long; It has been about six years now  

What about the allegations your children are making about your new wife?  

I cannot be moved by these allegations. That is all I have to say.

This decision of yours, has it in anyway affected your children?  

There is no such thing. As their father I have fulfilled my duties toward them. My marriage was held in a justifiable manner and for valid reasons. I do not see anything wrong in that.  

What is your response to allegations that your private affairs and the activities connected with music have become endangered due to these developments?  

No, it is not true. There are no impediments to my musical career, and my fans would not suffer with this decision of mine.


Pure love 

We also interviewed  Mrs Hashini Ratnayake

You are now 33 years old and how did you get so close to Victor, who is now 75. Is it a love affair or is there any other motive behind it?  

I actually met Victor (Refers to him as sir) only as a fan. I really liked his songs. We knew each other for the past six years, and there was a very good understanding between the two of us, and this brought us closer.  

What I asked you was whether there was a true love on your part or whether there was any other motive? What is the actual reason for you to have become so attached to Victor?  

This was something I never dreamed of, and never expected. However we became so close and our relationship turned into a love affair. I had high regard for Victor sir. Our thoughts, our love and our hopes were very similar. A very good understanding led to this situation. The high regard and respect I have for Victor sir still remains with me.  


It was very shocking to observe what his children had said. But the attitude of Victor towards the allegations that his own sons were making was amazing, as he took no offence. He only said that they were their views and we have not done anything wrong

Have you studied music?  

I have not studied Oriental music, but Western music. From my childhood I have been enjoying Victor sir’s songs.  

Is it true that you were involved in a bank fraud and it was a ruse that you joined Victor in order to escape from these charges?  

No there is no such thing. I am still employed at the Peoples’ Bank, and I am on leave these days.

If we directly pose you the question that your marriage to Victor was to inherit his wealth, what is your response?  

I never fell in love with Victor’s money or his assets. Whatever people may say Victor sir has a clear understanding of me. I am now married to him.  

After hearing about your affair with Victor and the news of the marriage, what was the response of your family?  

First there were objections from my family, but they too understood later on. Whatever it was, we had taken a firm decision that whatever comes our way, we will not stop.

Are you going to continue working at the Bank?  

Victor sir wants me to leave the job, and I will resign soon so that I will be able to take care of him better and assist him in his activities.  

At a time when Victor’s children are slandering you and this marriage over social media, what did Victor tell you?  

At the beginning we were shocked. We were never worried over these matters that are posted on social media. We only came to know after our friends informed us about the malicious posts. It was very shocking to observe what his children had said.

But the attitude of Victor towards the allegations that his own sons were making was amazing, as he took no offence. He only said that they were their views and we have not done anything wrong.   
He said “Let us be patient and see”. We have not spoken against them, or criticised them and we will not act in that manner.

There is a considerable gap between your age and Victor’s. Have you taken that into account? 

Yes, we knew that and it is not an issue, I am aware that Victor sir is very much older than me.

Once married the next thing a bride expects is children. Do you have any such hopes?  

Sometimes it can happen and I might become a mother in due course. 

It was very shocking to observe what his children had said.  But the attitude of Victor towards the allegations that his own sons were making was amazing, as he took no offence. He only said that they were their views and we have not done anything wrong


 Watch the video

Victor’s son Lelum Rathnayake

This plan had been launched about three years ago with the motive of separating us from our father, in order to show the world that the children were not looking after their father

We also approached Victor’s son Jayantha to obtain his views on this matter, and failing in our attempts we contacted his younger son Lelum Rathnayake, who published a video on social media that his father had died. He had this to say about his father’s marriage to Hashini.  

At this moment I am not ready to say anything, you can watch the Video and get all the details, you need not refer further, everything is included there.  We quote below what appeared in the said video.  
“The main actress of this episode is Hashini. She is around thirty years of age. She is a resident of Tangalle. She is a suspect in a fraud case at the People’s Bank, Tangalle . It is my father who had saved her from the charges. During her assignment at the Bank she had seen the Fixed Deposits of my father and hinted to someone close to her that she would someday own it. We lived with our father from infancy. We did not bring disrepute to our father. 

I was regarded as the mischievous one in the family. My father always said that I was like him; a good person.  


This plan had been launched about three years ago with the motive of separating us from our father, in order to show the world that the children were not looking after their father

“This plan had been launched about three years ago with the motive of separating us from our father, in order to show the world that the children were not looking after their father. We were all cared for by our mother. She died 13 years ago. My father did not attend the ‘Bana’ held on the 13th death anniversary at my brother’s house. Knowing very well the issues we asked our father to come for the Bana and not to bring this woman along. My father was not allowed to come.   “You all love Victor Rathnayake. 

The way I love my father I could not bear it. So I published a post stating that my father had died. I did not mean that Victor Rathnayake died. I do not want Victor Rathnayake to die, because I love him the most.”  



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