Screen Time for Children: A Guide for Parents

Screen time, when used appropriately, can be beneficial for children

Screen time can offer educational benefits, but it’s important for parents to manage and supervise it closely

By creating clear rules, encouraging open communication, and using the available tools for online safety, parents can help ensure that their children’s screen time is both productive and safe

Children and teens often model their behaviour on what they observe

As parents, it’s important to limit your own screen time outside of work to set a healthy example for your children


This article aims to educate parents on the impact of screen time on their children and provide practical strategies for managing it. While screen time has its benefits, it also poses risks that must be navigated carefully to ensure a child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 


Why Is Online Safety Important?

Today’s children and teens spend significant time online, using the Internet and Social Media to connect, learn, and play. While these platforms offer valuable opportunities, they can also present dangers such as exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators. It’s crucial to teach children about the realities of the online world and the importance of staying safe. 

Benefits of Screen Time

Screen time, when used appropriately, can be beneficial for children in several ways. 

Educational and Developmental Benefits

Many learning apps and educational games can aid cognitive development and expose children to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives.

Improved Hand-Eye Coordination

Some screen activities, such as video games, can enhance motor skills and coordination. 

Risks of Excessive Screen Time

However, the excessive use of screens comes with significant risks:

Physical Health Risks: Prolonged screen time can lead to eye strain, vision problems, poor posture, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Mental and Emotional Health Risks: Children who spend too much time on screens may suffer from reduced attention span, increased anxiety, depression, and exposure to inappropriate content. 

How to Keep Children and Teens Safe Online
1. Know How They Get Online
Children and teens access the Internet through various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, and even smart TVs. It’s important to monitor how and where they are connecting. 

2. Talk About Their Online Activities
Engage in open conversations with your child about the websites and apps they use. Look at these platforms together and discuss what is appropriate for them to engage with.

3. Set Clear Rules for Internet Use
Establish rules for device usage, such as limiting screen time, specifying when devices can be used, and which apps and websites are permissible. Rules should also cover the use of features like the camera on their devices. 

4. Keep Devices in Common Areas
For younger children, it’s important to supervise their online activities. You might also decide to keep devices out of bedrooms, especially at night, to ensure good sleep hygiene.

5. Utilise Parental Controls
Many devices, apps, and browsers offer parental control settings. These can help block inappropriate content and provide a safer online environment for your child. 

6. Talk About Privacy
Teach children and teens about the importance of privacy in the online world. Once something is posted online, it can be difficult to erase. Help them understand why they should be cautious about sharing personal information such as names, addresses, or photos. 

7. Teach About Online Predators
Children must understand that not everyone online is who they claim to be. They should be wary of engaging with strangers and never agree to meet someone they have only spoken to online. 

8. Discuss Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is when someone uses social media or messaging apps to bully another person. This form of bullying can have serious emotional consequences. Make sure your child knows they can come to you if they are being bullied online or if they see it happening to others. 

9. Teach About Location Privacy
Some apps and websites use geo-tagging, which can reveal your child’s location. Make sure children understand this feature and turn it off when possible to protect their privacy. 

Expert Recommendations for Screen Time

Experts provide guidelines based on the child’s age: 

0 to 18 Months: No screen time, except for video calls with relatives.
18 Months to 5 Years: Limit screen time to 1 hour per day. It’s important to supervise and help children understand what they are viewing.

5 Years and Older: Create a “family media plan” that accounts for school or work-related screen time. Think about their maturity level and your family’s priorities.

Setting a Good Example

Children and teens often model their behaviour on what they observe. As parents, it’s important to limit your own screen time outside of work to set a healthy example for your children. Aim for 1 to 2 hours of recreational screen time per day.

Screen time can offer educational benefits, but it’s important for parents to manage and supervise it closely. By creating clear rules, encouraging open communication, and using the available tools for online safety, parents can help ensure that their children’s screen time is both productive and safe.

(The writer is the SLCP Media Coordinator for Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians-SLCP)

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