The culture of impunity, politicians and presidential elections

The Presidential election is in full swing. Our country went bankrupt two years ago. Thanks to an Indian credit line, the World Bank, the IMF and heaping burdens on the poorest sections of our people, we are informed, that our country is on the road to recovery.
As yet, none of the good politicians who brought untold misery to the poorest sections of the community have been prosecuted for the wrong-doings which brought shame to us all and led the country to a state of bankruptcy. Even today the same old faces are asking us to vote them into power to ‘settle’ the mess they created. 

The main culprits for the country falling into debt was a result of greed on the part of our politicians and stupidity on the part of us the voters -that is you and me. We keep voting into power the same rogues and knaves who by deeds of commission and omission brought our country to its knees.  
Even today, those responsible for alleged major scams -the Central Bank scam- which robbed the exchequer of millions of dollars not only roam free. Even international agencies like the Interpol appear to be unable to apprehend some of those accused of manipulating laws for the benefit of their relatives. This despite the ‘best efforts’ of our ruling elite. 
One of our past presidents allegedly provided arms and ammunition to terrorists who were fighting to divide the country. His progeny is one among those contesting the election and may very well be elected the next president of the country. This worthy promises to take the country back to the era of his father’s regime... A period that saw dead bodies litter the streets and when human life was of less value than that of an animal. 
Both aforementioned leaders are contesting the presidency.
The other two leading candidates for the presidency have equally dirty hands. The NPP candidate is part of the group which led two brutal insurgencies against the state which unleashed unimaginable cruelties against the ordinary people of the country.  
We have yet to hear a realistic admission for past crimes/mistakes or punitive action taken against leaders responsible for the then bloodbath. The immediate past leader of this combine was until recently the head of this political group. He still walks around unrepentant. The present leadership has not seen it fit to condemn past crimes or those responsible for them. 
Another leading presidential aspirant -the youngest person contesting the presidency- blithely avoids taking responsibility for bringing the country to its knees. Blithely claiming his party has never been convicted by a court of law for crimes of corruption or misrule. 
He takes no responsibility for the numerous white elephants built at great cost to the country. A good example is the world’s ‘emptiest international airport’. One among the many wasteful projects that wasted resources, as he and his relatives misruled the country.  
No wonder our politicians believe they are above the law and free to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity. 

Fortunately, more recently however, the noose seems to be tightening around the necks of a few of our law-breaking politicians. A case in point is the detention of former Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella who was arrested in February this year. The good ex-minister is allegedly complicit in the procurement of substandard human intravenous immunoglobulin. Three patients lost their lives after being administered the drug. 
Another case in point was that of MP Ms. Diana Gamage who took the country for a ride by rising to the position of a state minister despite not being a citizen of the country! 
It has been the Courts of Justice, rather than the political leaders or our political system which is slowly but surely bringing politicians and their henchmen under the rule of law. The courts are taking away the aura of impunity these ‘ladies and gentlemen’ once enjoyed. 
It is now time for ‘We the People’ to demand answers from the presidential aspirants before we cast our all-important vote for any one of them. 

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