We are under threat and pressure

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We can not eradicate malpractices and these errant traders hundred percent

Rumy Marzook, the Chairman of the Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) told Daily Mirror that he was under pressure and threats of many companies in performing his duties.

Also he said that he wished to see a change in his occupation and wished to work in a sector where the subject matter was familiar to him.
Marzook said that amendments to the Consumer Protection Act (2003) would be brought widening the scopes which were not covered under the present Act.

Marzook was in the Judiciary and later became the Commissioner General of Prisons Department.

 What is the national role played by the Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) and how important its duties to a country like ours?

Consumer Protection Act was made in 2003. So, the main function of the Act is to protect the consumer from
errant traders.

That is what exactly we are doing. I took over the Consumer Affairs Authority in 2007. The Authority has done its part very well in protecting the people. Under the Minister who is the incumbent Minister of the Authority, we have got support staff and necessary equipment. Our main success can be attributed to the main facilities we have. Today investigation officers also have been increased.

There is lot of resistance. Also we are under threat and pressure. Some people try to pose as our friends and get favours from us. Situation is such that we are at a position to take precautions for our security

Today, there are many errant traders who attempt to make money expeditiously. They only bother about money.

Our investigation officers play a very pivotal role. In 2013 we have done around 40,000 raids and as a result we have received around 90 million rupees as fines.

Of course this will be a deterrent. Under the current Act fine rates are very minimal. So the Minister now taking actions to amend the Act and to increase the quantum of fines with previous conviction it can be double.

These are some of the salient functions of the Authority.

Besides when there was a crisis over DCD it was the CAA which was contacted by his Excellency to do an investigation on the matter.
Appropriate steps were taken. When manufacturer wants to increase price of a commodity they have to get permission from CAA.

But unfortunately some companies do not produce originals of their documents and we can not make a determination. When they want to increase the price they try to coerce the government to give a price and when we don’t give a price they start short supply.

However, when such application is forwarded we have to give a determination within thirty days. Also, we detect many items which are not suitable for consumption. Our consumers also at times ignorant and they do not read important information that is on the product labels.

Now, the CAA is contemplating in segregating expired stocks in to different compartments. We now fixing maximum retail price on pharmaceutical products.

My squad at any given time, is ready to work whether it is night or day. We can be more successful if the public
coordinated with us.

We have discussed with the minister to issue more Gazette notifications to regulate to see transparency in consumer able products that are being imported in to the country.

So that, the companies have to obtain approval from the respective countries from which the goods are imported.

We are trying to bring some control over the expired goods.
Also anti competitive acts can be referred to the CAA.

We refer such matters to Consumer Council. The council will make an inquiry and make orders. Those who are aggrieved by these orders can go to a court which has a jurisdiction to hear such matter.

Apart from that we hear a lot of grievances of consumers who buy defective electronic items. Orders given by the CAA will be implemented through a Magistrate’s Court.

It is all depend on the person who holds office at the CAA. And I am personally supervising and personally behind every single raid. As I believe it is the chairman of the CAA must be the back bone. I try my level best to advise my officers to be honest and give their best as this is a serious job

The officials of the CAA are paid by the Treasury and it is not an income generating authority. We always depend on our funds through the Ministry of Finance. We have started awareness programmes in schools, business organisations and government departments.

CAA has started consumer societies in 24 districts. We get feed back from these societies and take necessary action.

Over the recent past we have come across CAA conducting a large number of raids and uncovering major rackets relating to food, medicine and cosmetics. Why is this sudden wake up? Had the CAA not been doing its duties properly earlier?

It is all depend on the person who holds office at the CAA. And I am personally supervising and personally behind every single raid. As I believe it is the chairman of the CAA must be the back bone. I try my level best to advise my officers to be honest and give their best as this is a serious job.


There is allegation that the CAA had failed to impose quality and price control over many goods. And there is no system to control prices or quality of the drugs imported to the country. What has caused this situation and what prevents you imposing quality control?

I reject the allegations. The Authority is doing everything possible. There are instances where the general public has to give information. If they do, we will instantly act.

Some issues are beyond our reach. For example when it comes to pharmaceutical products we can only check whether the product is expired or not. The quality has to be checked by the Ministry of Health.

We do not have expertise to check the quality.  Also same thing applies to cosmetic products. We can decide things which are under the Consumer Protection Act. It is wrong to give judgements like that.

Even when the producers request for a price increase we go through the entire history to see whether the request is justifiable. Taking such decisions is not an easy task.  Many instances are there when CAA has spurned such requests.

These types of rackets have become a part and parcel of today’s Sri Lankan society. Don’t you think there is a major problem with regard to governing and administrative systems in our country?

Country is on a very good footing. After thirty years of war now the country is progressing. New hotels are coming up and many things being done towards development. While the development is progressing, dishonest people are also progressing.
For example people spend so much money and buy gold jewellery. When they go to pawn them in an emergency only they find that the jewellery were not genuine.

There is a similar issue with bottled (Potable) water, cosmetic products etc. There is a part which the people also have to play. Without their support we cannot combat errant traders.

Bringing laws and making amendments can not be done within a day or two. It takes time. We can not eradicate malpractices and these errant traders hundred percent at once. But we are trying to eradicate these things at least by eighty five percent.

There seemed to be no proper screening or monitoring system with regards to goods imported to the country? Who should take the responsibility?

We are going to bring a regulation. As I said earlier, the countries which import goods must bear a certification from the authorities of their respective countries. Such authorities must certify the date of expiry etc. After that only the goods can be imported. Then the customs will seek the certification. Most of the people who import items are not concerned about the consumers. Rather they are interested in building castles and make quick money. But soon we will be bringing regulations to stop them.

CAA duties seemed to be based in Colombo and suburbs. What about its duties around the country?

As I said we have 24 districts. So the services are operating as equal as
in Colombo.

Don’t you think that the public can help you in your duties and what have you done to get public coordination and cooperation?

Of course they have a major role to play. So far the public has been with us. But I think they can coordinate more with us. Any information given by them will be confidential and their rights are protected under the Act. I request public to co operate with us, with their support only we can strive great heights. They can contact me at anytime.

What is the biggest challenge you come across relating to the duties of the CAA?

There is lot of resistance. Also we are under threat and pressure. Some people try to pose as our friends and get favours from us. Situation is such that we are at a position to take precautions for our security.

You were once a judicial officer/ judge and now you play the role of an investigator. How do you find the two jobs?

Yes, I was a judge at one point for many years and then was appointed as the Commissioner General of Prisons.
There I was in charge of rehabilitation of prisoners. But here the scope is wider. And then from 2007 I have been working as the Chairman of the Consumer Affairs Authority.  But I think I need to go back to a field where the subject matter is familiar to me. When I was in the judiciary my knowledge was updated every day. Even during the time I was the Prisons Commissioner I got the opportunity to improve knowledge and do my reading.

But after I assumed duties as the Chairman of the Consumer Affairs Authority I hardly have time to do reading and improve my knowledge. Yet I somehow make time to do reading and update

Country is on a very good footing. After thirty years of war now the country is progressing. New hotels are coming up and many things being done towards development. While the development is progressing, dishonest people are also progressing

my knowledge.I was the only Commissioner General of Prisons to be awarded an International Award for activities. It was awarded by Kiran Bedi in
New Delhi. I have been with the CAA for seven years, I prefer to work somewhere the subject matter is known.
Pix by Nisal Baduge

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