Doctors’ dispute at the National Hospital Differences of opinion resulted in the clash     Follow

Recently the police had to intervene to stop a clash between medical professionals who are representing two parties of the Government Medical Officers Association, one of the leading trade unions in the country at the National Hospital premises. The profession of medicine is known for its power of healing but not for fighting. The issue that erupted the fighting was said have been related to an opening of a branch of the GMOA at the National Hospital premises and this is what the two parties had to say on the issue and the subsequent act that brought a black mark on the reputed profession.

Dr Niroshan Prema  Premarathna represented the group of doctors who wanted to open a branch of GMOA at the National Hospital.

Q The clashes between the government doctors is hitherto not heard of. But now the differences of opinion has developed to point of a clash?

Yes, the recent incident is regrettably a black mark to the profession of medicine.

Q What are the issues that led to the incident?

 We wanted to form a new branch of the GMOA at the National Hospital as the existing branch has been inactive for the last 1½ years. However, the mother association did not allow us to do so. They said they have appointed an interim committee instead. But there is no provisions to create such a committee. Therefore, we made arrangements for a discussion with regard to the election of office bearers to the branch office.

Q Where was the discussion held?

At the 520 canteen in the Doctor’s hostel

Q Did the members of other faction come during the discussion?

Our meeting had been arranged to be held at 12.30 noon. Meanwhile there had been a distribution of leaflets by the doctors who had been restrained from the office activities and they threatened to assault and kill us if the meeting was held.

Q Was there any exchange of fisticuffs?  

No, but an attempt by someone to pull the tie of a specialist doctor was averted by others.

Q Were the members of both the parties shouting at each other?

No we didn’t engage in any shouting, there were 150 in our group. But about ten who represented the other group was making a chaos dashing against the tables. But we remained silent.

Q What  are  these differences of opinions among doctors?

The few doctors among the restrained are intolerant to others options. They are adamant. Another reason is some want to bring politics into the association.

Q Were you attempting to form a branch contrary to the constitution of the association?

Certainly not. We always support right actions.

Q GMOA is a very honourable entity?

We strongly hate the turbulent situation that prevailed. Although there were many members to represent our group we remained calm without trying to overcome others. But the few from the other party behaved violently.

Media sub-committee member of the GMOA Dr.  Chandika Epitakaduwa who represent the other faction responded in this manner.

Q Dispute has erupted among doctors who hold a distinguished status in the


 Yes. Unfortunately

Q What is the background for this dispute?

An attempt to form a branch of the GMOA has created the problem

Q What happened to the existing association?

It was dissolved

Q Then who act as the custodians?

A Board of Trustee

Q Two members of the Committee of Trustees have led to the development of the new situation

Yes. But they have been removed by a No-Confidence move

Q Do dispute among doctors serve any purpose?

 Certainly not. Actions taken by some in contrary to the constitution of association had created the confusion

Q Were you fighting at the time of chaos?

Actually there were no fighting. Only minor incidents of dragging from ties and collars

Q GOMA is famous for its uniform authority. But what are the reasons for the recent decline of the entity?

A Emergence of political desires to mingle with the common aspirations and individualism and greed for



Q Would you make any suggestion conducive for a settlement?


I think it would be appropriate to take necessary actions after receiving court decisions for the case is now before the courts

Q What would be the impact of these disputes on the patients?

This situation would soon come to an end.

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