I take responsibility for defeat: Basil

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  • Disassociates himself from policies and actions that led to defeat

  • Ready for a role in politics, but not in running a ministry

Former Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, in an interview with Daily Mirror after being released on bail, said he felt so sad about his predicament. Also, he admitted that he was responsible in part for the defeat at the Presidential Election, as the key person who was in charge of the campaign.  Yet, he said he was not responsible for certain policies and actions of the then government that brought about its downfall.

Q You were a key Cabinet Minister of the previous Government. After the defeat at the January 8th election, you have been kept in remand prison for two months. What do you feel about the whole scenario?
We, along with the people, would not have anticipated a change of government in this manner.  At the January 8th election, people chose to elect a new President.  For the first time in history, a President has been elected with the backing of the majority votes from the minority communities, and the minority votes from the majority community.  I am not being communal minded in making this comment. It is the reality.  Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa received a majority of votes from the majority community whereas President Maithripala Sirisena received the majority  of votes from the minority communities.

It does not mean that our traditional vote base within the majority community remained intact at that election. It too has dwindled to a certain extent.

Especially, people voted for a change. They were not bothered about the symbol and the manifesto of the candidate concerned.  It is not a traditional symbol they have voted for. Their only concern was a change. They voted for the sake of a change.

Later, they expected something in return from the 100 Day Programme of the new government. When the new government failed to live up to  people’s aspirations, they became distraught.   On the other hand, there is a distortion of the parliamentary composition.  The present parliament was elected by people in 2010 to implement Mahinda Chintana policies.  We received 144 seats. We have been elected to serve that purpose.  A new mandate has been given for the change of the executive arm of the government.  There is no such fresh mandate for Legislature.  

In any democracy, the party with the majority seats forms the government. The party, with the second highest number of seats, sits in the opposition.  The party with 144 seats, yet, sits in the opposition in the present Parliament.  The President sought a mandate to implement the 100 Day programme only. Beyond that, there is no plan. Now that period is over. That is the reason for the present state of confusion.

Q  Actually, when you were kept behind bars for nearly 60 days, what did you feel as a politician who commanded so much power under the last government?
Of course, I am accustomed to both gains and setbacks in politics. I experienced even worse kinds of defeats during the time of late Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike in 1977.    I was the youngest MP to contest. We were relegated to seven seats. We encountered enormous difficulties at the hands of the United National Party (UNP) at that time.  Our first meeting was attacked at Hyde Park. Our supporters lost houses, employment and so on due to political violence. Mrs. Bandaranaike was stripped of civic rights, along with those of a few others.  Likewise, we have enjoyed victories. For the Rajapaksas, the political defeats are not something new.

But, we have never experienced a situation like this.  When SLFP lost to the UNP in 1977, the party remained under Mrs. Bandaranaike as its leader despite certain odds coming in her way. But, today, there is no way for us to turn to.  We are not sure whether we are in the government or in the opposition. People are helpless.  Party supporters were disappointed at the beginning. Now, the situation is changing anyhow because the opposition forces are rallying around the former President to play the desired role of the opposition. I feel happy about it.

Personally, I feel sad. During the last nine years, I sacrificed my personal freedom to serve the country. I compromised my freedom to be with my family- children and grandchildren.  I did not devote my time  even to watch TV programmes, to engage in religious observances or to watch a match.   All decisions were taken by me in the interests of the country.

First, we created an atmosphere devoid of fear for people to live in. In the development of the country, I had to do a great deal of work as the Economic Development Minister. We achieved unprecedented economic targets. Sri Lanka did well in all economic indices despite unfavourable international conditions such as high fuel prices.

But, I am sad that I was remanded. I had never experienced it before.   I used to go to police stations only for official ceremonies at that time.  But, I was questioned for several hours. I am saddened by it. I was victimized for decisions taken for the benefit of the poorest of the poor.

Prison officials afforded me the facilities entitled to a remand prisoner in terms of the law. When I was hospitalised, doctors looked after me well.  I am fortunate to get treated in that manner while being in remand prison. Nonetheless, you can imagine the kind of mental pain a person undergoes when he is confined to a place away from his family.

Q After the defeat at the January 8th election, did you anticipate it?
No, I did not. In the run-up to the election, they talked about Good Governance, and Era of Compassion (Yahapalanaya, Maithri Yugaya).  They even quoted from Buddha Dhamma saying ‘Nahi Verena Verani’ (Hatred can never be conquered by hatred).      So, I did not anticipate this predicament. But, some persons warned me of it.  

Q  There is a perception in the country that you went abroad only to escape allegations against you, and to avoid this predicament. What is your response?
Every year, I used to go abroad during parliamentary vacation after the annual budgetary session. After December, I did it every year.  I spent my time with my children living abroad. It is not a secret. My daughter is married to a medical doctor.  Therefore, I used the opportunity to get his help for my medical checkups and all.  This time, I could not do it due to the Presidential Election. Therefore, I planned it for January.  After our electoral victories in 2005 and 2010, I did the same after the  announcement of election results.  This is not something new which I did.

Secondly, I was informed on March 25,  that I was wanted here for investigations on certain allegations.  The Kaduwela Court notified me. I returned on March 26.   

Q  There are allegations of financial irregularities. How do you respond?
I do not intend to talk about a matter pending before Court. But, I do not see anything wrong in making an explanation about the kinds of allegations against me. It is projected as a major financial fraud at Divineguma Department. Here, one allegation is related to the payment of gratuities to employees who completed five years in service, and the payment of compensation to employees who retired voluntarily.

I have not made any payment for anyone not entitled to such benefits.  On the other hand, we had established a micro finance banking network to assist the families concerned.  I made arrangements to give Rs.2500 to 1.1 million beneficiaries from their own savings with this banking network meant to fulfill micro credit requirements.

The other is about printing the annual almanacs. It is an annual activity.

Q In your previous answer, you referred to a political movement being built under the former President. What is your opinion about it?
In a democratic society, there should be both a Government and an Opposition.  What a government does is not accepted by all in unison in any society. There is dissension in some segments at all times. At the beginning, there was no political support base for 5.8 million people who voted for the former President.  That vacuum is now being filled at the moment.  

Q What is your role in this emerging political front?
That has to be decided by the people. Once the former President also decides on it, I will make up my mind. There are different views being expressed at the moment. There can be an element of truth in these opinions. I will respect these opinions as well in taking my decision.

Q  When you say different views, what do you mean?
There are enough and more people to claim the right for victories. But, there is no one to take the responsibility for defeat. I took the responsibility for the defeat as the person who was in charge of the election campaign. It does not mean that I am responsible for all factors that led to the defeat. Some other matters  led to this defeat.  I am studying these aspects that brought about this defeat.

Q It means that you are ready for yet another role in politics?
I am ready for a role in politics and election process. But, it is uncertain whether I should take up any ministerial responsibility given the bitter experience I had under the present regime.  I do not think my family will allow it. I know how honest I was in the discharge of my duties as a Minister at that time. Yet, I was subjected to this harassment.  Even public servants were victimised because of me. Today, public servants are harassed. Former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa and former Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga are facing harassment. I do not feel like stepping into a ministry even now.

Q  What is the advice   you get from the former President, who is your brother?
I do not get any advice from him. So many people wished well for me during this time. They regretted my fate.

Q In your view, what are the reasons for the defeat at the Presidential Election?
That has to be analyzed properly.  There are numerous reasons that led to it. I am trying to write a book analyzing all.  I do not point out the finger at anyone. It will be a secret document to be handed over to the former President.

Q  Do you think you made mistakes that led to this defeat?
Yes, I have to take certain responsibilities.  I do not intend to specify them. More than individuals, I think some policies and actions resulted in this defeat. I will mention them. Then, the person responsible for the wrong actions and  policies  concerned will be hurt. Therefore, I will not overly highlight that as well.

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