Pit bulls in glass houses are hurling stones at us

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Pit bulls and bulldogs are ardent followers of their self - created 11th Commandment: “Thou shall not commit war crimes as we did and still do”

By Dhy­an Abeya­goo­na­se­kera
“Ac­cord­ing to some ‘Whites in the West’, our gov­ern­ment is re­spon­si­ble for war crimes and dis­re­gard­ing hu­man rights dur­ing the last three days of the ‘war’ against the LTTE. And they are hop­ing to use their pet tool the UNHCR to whack the gov­ern­ment for such crimes they had sup­pos­ed­ly com­mit­ted. D-Day is some­where in March. One thing bugs me; how can a 30-year-old strug­gle with a ter­ro­rist group–the Tam­il Ti­gers who were on the ram­page, be con­sid­ered a war?” Shel­ton Per­era, the own­er of the Wall­side Res­tau­rant and Bar eyes rov­ing through the pa­ges of a book: “Un­pun­ish­ed War Crim­i­nals” writ­ten by Ken McTucky posed an in­ter­est­ing ques­tion.

It is stamp­ing out ter­ror­ism
“I wouldn’t call it a war but the stamp­ing out by the gov­ern­ment of  heart­less brutes who kil­led or­di­na­ry men, wom­en and chil­dren. So, I can’t un­der­stand  why the Whites of the West as you re­fer­red to them, and some oth­ers are say­ing that our gov­ern­ment is an­swer­a­ble for so-called crimes in the stamp­ing out proc­ess of ter­ro­rists,” ob­served Joy, Shel­ton’s wife who was fon­dling Tom­mo a pus­sy­cat em­ployed at Wall­side. His pal and work­ing part­ner, Oo­ty, an owl, dozed on a chair near­by.

“Pre­cise­ly,” snor­ted Shel­ton, “and when you con­sid­er that wars are pri­mar­i­ly crimes be­cause so many peo­ple die in them, how can there be an­oth­er type of crime in a war? I know, I know, the Whites of the West man­u­fac­tured things like the Gen­e­va Con­ven­tion that laid down what is right and what is wrong when hu­man be­ings kill each oth­er over some sil­ly thing.  But foxy rules and reg­u­la­tions were not for them–but for oth­ers like our gov­ern­ment to fol­low.  Al­so, Amer­i­can pit bulls ha­bit­u­al­ly be­have like ter­ro­rists them­selves while Brit­ish bull dogs are no bet­ter. When they ‘think’ or are brie­fed by for­mer lo­cal Tam­il­ians gone pa­ri­ah in the West that we have com­mit­ted ‘war crimes’ the pit bulls have ac­quired a mech­a­nism to in­ves­ti­gate and pun­ish those found re­spon­si­ble.”  
Joy sip­ping tea, said, “What’s im­por­tant is that if there are things called war crimes ev­ery­body should be an­swer­a­ble to them...”

Amer­i­can war crimes
“That’s the prob­lem,” in­ter­vened Shel­ton, “it’s not hap­pen­ing: it nev­er did. Take the Amer­i­cans chas­ing af­ter us on so-called war crimes. The Pil­grim Fa­thers slaugh­tered Red In­di­ans and took over their lands; lat­er they kid­nap­ped Af­ri­can blacks and used them as slave la­bour; they atom bom­bed Hir­osh­i­ma and Na­ga­sa­ki kill­ing thou­sands of Jap ci­vil­ians; decades on, they dum­ped two mil­lion tons of bombs over Laos over 9  years kill­ing 30,000 ci­vil­ians. They lan­ded more bombs on Cam­bo­dia for six years kill­ing 450,000 to 600,000. Un­ex­plo­ded bombs al­so kil­led 25, 000 ci­vil­ians in Laos, while 3.9 mil­lion Cam­bo­di­ans lived in ref­u­gee camps. The Amer­i­cans open­ly flou­ted Gen­e­va Con­ven­tions and the UN Dec­la­ra­tion of Hu­man Rights, didn’t they?”

Joy was flab­ber­gas­ted. “Oh my God, from where do you get those num­bers?”
“They are right in here,” said Shel­ton wav­ing the book he was read­ing.

“When asked the rea­sons for that carn­age, an Amer­i­can big shot had said: ‘Well, we couldn’t have our planes sit­ting around with noth­ing to do, could we?’ A well-known jour­nal­ist de­scri­bed it as ‘the most ap­pal­ling ep­i­sode of law­less cru­el­ty in Amer­i­can his­to­ry’. ”

“Un­be­liev­a­ble,” said Joy,” and these are the peo­ple ac­cus­ing us of war crimes?”

“Sur­pris­ing­ly, as a great dem­o­crat­ic na­tion, preach­ing dem­o­crat­ic rights, the an­swer is ‘yes’.  Then they ai­ded In­do­ne­sia to mas­sa­cre al­most a mil­lion left­ists and sent arms for eth­ni­cal ‘cleans­ing’ there that kil­led 60, 000 ci­vil­ians. They are still kill­ing ci­vil­ians through drone at­tacks in Paki­stan. Aren’t they war crimes? Ac­cord­ing to the pit bulls ‘their ac­tions were nec­es­sa­ry for na­tion­al se­cur­i­ty’...”
“They are yet at it quite free­ly aren’t they?” in­ter­rup­ted Joy.

Top Amer­i­can war crim­i­nals
“Sure. Ac­cord­ing to this McTucky, there are top Amer­i­can war crim­i­nals who are as free as bald ea­gles to­day. Ac­cord­ing to him for­mer US sec­re­ta­ry of de­fence Rob­ert McNa­mara hel­ped to kill 2 to 3 mil­lion Viet­nam­ese, Cam­bo­di­ans and Lao­tians and around 50, 000 Amer­i­can sol­diers who were or­dered to fight in that war. To­day McNa­mara is free. Hen­ry Kis­sing­er, a for­mer US sec­re­ta­ry of state al­so had a hand in it. Af­ter win­ning the No­bel Prize for Peace, he too is free.

“An­oth­er guil­ty par­ty who went un­pun­ish­ed is Bill Clin­ton who or­dered the bomb­ing of Yu­go­sla­via and Iraq that kil­led thou­sands of ci­vil­ians. Ma­de­line Al­bright then sec­re­ta­ry of state un­der Clin­ton agreed with pu­ni­tive ac­tion against Iraq that re­sul­ted in the deaths of 500,000 chil­dren. Af­ter that she had the brass to say the sanc­tions were ‘worth it’. She is al­so walk­ing around free­ly to­day. Mur­doch the news­man was re­spon­si­ble for thou­sands of deaths and mil­lions of ref­u­gees through me­dia en­cour­age­ment of harsh US pol­i­cy. Among oth­er mis­do­ings Bush se­nior en­cour­aged the Iran-Iraq war that kil­led a mil­lion peo­ple. Bush jun­ior was no bet­ter than dad­dy. He con­duc­ted two wars caus­ing 100,000 US, Iraq and Af­gha­ni deaths. The man re­jec­ted the Gen­e­va Con­ven­tion and con­sid­ered the US Con­sti­tu­tion as ‘A God­damned piece of pa­per’.” Shak­ing Mac­tucky’s book, Shel­ton said, “You should read this Dar­lo, it’s all in here.”
Joy asked point­ed­ly, “So, why on­ly us? Any­one can see it’s so un­fair and lop­si­ded.”

The LTTE com­mit­ted the big­gest war crimes
“Ex­act­ly; the Lib­er­a­tion Ti­gers of Tam­il Ee­lam was re­spon­si­ble for  sui­cide bomb­ers, re­cruit­ing child sol­diers, as­sas­si­nat­ing and mas­sa­cring law abid­ing peo­ple, gov­ern­ment min­is­ters, im­por­tant heads of gov­ern­ment and po­lit­i­cal par­ties, re­li­gious dig­ni­ta­ries...the list goes on.”

“You don’t have to tell me Shel­ley,” said Joy, “ev­ery Sri Lan­kan knows how they suf­fered in the hands of the LTTE over 30 years. The gov­ern­ment had no choice but to bring the mer­ci­less ter­ro­rists down to pro­tect the peo­ple.”
“You have a point, Dar­lo. LTTE atroc­i­ties go in­to vol­umes. The ques­tion is why no mem­bers of the LTTE la­bel­led and ban­ned as a ter­ro­rist group across the world face are charg­ed with war crimes? Where is the equal­i­ty of jus­tice? What we see is the hy­poc­risy of Amer­i­cans, their al­lies and the Uni­ted Na­tions that has be­come a huge joke.”

In­dia: RAW, IPKF
“Shel­ley, you have for­got­ten the In­di­ans,” mur­mured Joy.

“No, I ha­ven’t, and McTucky hasn’t missed them ei­ther,” said Shel­ton turn­ing the pa­ges of ‘Un­pun­ish­ed War Crim­i­nals’. “From the train­ing of LTTE fel­lows in Tam­il Na­du and back­ing it, RAW clan­des­tine pro­grammes and the In­di­an Peace Keep­ing Force, we all know what In­dia did. The 100,000 strong IPKF is re­por­ted to have kil­led 6000 to 10,000 Tam­il ci­vil­ians. They plun­dered, har­assed or­di­na­ry Tam­ils and ra­ped their wom­en. That be­hav­iour was non­cha­lant­ly ex­plained away by an In­di­an brig­a­dier. ‘The In­di­an ar­my are not an­gels...rape hap­pens even in the West.’ And noth­ing hap­pened to In­dia.”

“So, who is to bludg­eon the bul­ly­ing Big Broth­er and the White hyp­o­crites?”

“No­body; they are too strong. But Amer­i­cans like Ju­li­an As­sange of Wi­ki­leaks and Brad­ley Man­ning an IT hack­er ex­posed US war crimes in Iraq, Af­gha­ni­stan and US spy­ing on the UN and al­so friend­ly coun­tries. And a guy by the name of Snow­den add­ed more fuel to the Man­ning fire. The news they leaked proved that the Amer­i­cans are a very nas­ty lot in­deed.”

Gen­e­va is round the cor­ner
The owl who had been all ears to their mas­ter’s and mis­tress­es’ con­ver­sa­tion and aghast at what the Yanks had done and still do brought up the sub­ject with pus­sy over brunch in the Wall­side kitch­en. “I say Tom­mo, the Amer­i­can and Brit­ish gov­er­nors are a law on to them­selves, no?”

“Meeoow­wo­hyeah, (ohyeah)” re­plied pus­sy who knew all about the fes­ter­ing is­sue. “Ev­ery­one knows damn well that the pit bulls and their pals pre­tend­ing to be as pure as vir­gins bath­ing in milk in the tem­ples of At­lan­tis are an­swer­a­ble for stacks of war crimes. But they put keep put­ting them ‘right’ through gab and mus­cle.  These days, Un­cle Sam ai­ded and abet­ted by John Bull is flex­ing his bi­ceps to use an agen­da in Gen­e­va to chain our gov­er­nors’ gov­ern­ment on ‘war crimes and in­fringe­ments of hu­man rights’ dur­ing the last days of the war.”“Thu­hoooot! That’s very, very fun­ny.”

"When wars are pri­mar­i­ly crimes be­cause so many peo­ple die in them, how can there be an­oth­er type of crime in a war?"

“Purshsh!  But there’s more to it than meets the eye. The pit bulls and their gang have seen our gov­er­nors’ gov­ern­ment trot­ting away in an east­ern di­rec­tion seek­ing friend­ship and alms to keep go­ing. And a pow­er­ful em­pire has ob­liged. In re­turn it has been be­stowed with out-of -this -world fa­vours too.  Worse, the re­gime re­peat­ed­ly show­ing scant re­spect for ‘heel’ or­ders have made the pit bulls nerv­ous they are los­ing clout over the Yin­jun zone. So now, the pit bulls are push­ing for a re­gime change through charg­es of war crimes etc. and re­place it with a new ob­lig­ing “Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir’ one.”
“Thu­hooot!  But, why are pit bulls harp­ing on war crimes? Can’t they use vi­o­la­tions of ‘dem­o­crat­ic rights’ by the re­gime some gov­er­nors shout about?”

“Can’t do; they fall un­der in­ter­nal af­fairs that are dif­fi­cult to han­dle. Be­sides, get­ting a guil­ty ver­dict on crimes and in­fringe­ments of hu­man rights dur­ing the war re­sults in se­ri­ous re­per­cus­sions to those found guil­ty. The Gen­e­va do in March is a pit bull scheme to knock out the pres­ent re­gime off its ped­es­tal. So, much de­pends on the qual­i­ty of the punch­es and fight­ing tech­ni­ques of our gov­er­nors’ reps in the ring in Gen­e­va.”
“Whooom, whooom, would the Rus­kies and Chi­nese growl from the ring­side, ‘We are friends of Lan­ka; so, no punch­ing be­low the belt, right?’”  
“Purrshsh! Con­sid­er­ing the wheels turn­ing with in wheels of pol­i­tics and po­lit­ic­cas that run the ma­chi­nery, who can say what will hap­pen in Gen­e­va?”


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