Political pressure was too much to bear : Wanduramba OIC

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The Police Service which plays a pivotal role in fighting corruption and ensuring the safety of citizens is today falling apart against the backdrop of political manipulations that prevent the police from carrying out their duties without fear or favour.

Many loyal and law-abiding police officers have opted to bid farewell to the service mainly because of the disdainful treatment and lack of encouragement they receive from the community at large. Although they strive hard to punish the offenders according to standards of law and justice it has become an uphill task amid the interference by highups.


The resignation of police constable Suminda Saman in the wake of a clash with a Deputy Minister over an issue concerning the minister’s alleged obstruction of duty and the December 17 resignation of the Wanduramba Officer-in- Charge Inspector Panangala Liyanage Keerthisinghe after some political goons torched a stage put up for a propaganda rally by common candidate Maithripala Sirisena are two such cases where efficient police officers were compelled to leave the service as a result of political pressure.  Below are some excerpts of what OIC Keerthisinghe told Daily Mirror on his decision to resign from service.


Q  What prompted you to take such a drastic decision?
It was not a decision that I made suddenly. I did it only because I could not tolerate or battle against the injustices that I had to face for so long. I wish to work as a sincere and law abiding officer although this is not possible with the little support we get from our senior officials and because of political interference.



Q  Why do you say you do not receive sufficient support from your superiors?
We can’t run away from problems when we encounter them face to face. As police officers who have a strong backbone, we wish to deal with such problems in an upright and fare manner. Unfortunately, we do not get the support we expect from our superiors when taking legal action against criminals. In a case of reverse action these superiors have taken disciplinary action against me when I try to implement the law.
I could not perform my duties as well as I wanted because of political pressure. Starting from the provincial level upwards I always had to encounter political pressure which largely restricted my activities as an officer-in-charge of the Police Station. Currently, I am in the midst of a dispute with a deputy minister whom I do not wish to name.


He is backed by powerful politicians while we are only police officers. So how could we take legal action against them if we are not backed and encouraged by our superiors in the department? They take disciplinary action against us without handcuffing the offenders and even if we are blameless it will not take them long to create such a scenario where they could find some excuse to take disciplinary action against us. I have received invitatios from several political parties asking to extend my support to them. I have denied all such invitations because I wish to lead an honest life. Now that I have resigned, I wish to stay at home.



Q  Since your resignation have you received any threats?
No, I have not received any threats since my resignation.



Q  Have you been under political pressure now or in the past?
Yes, time and again I have come under political pressure but I have successfully managed to overcome such problems during the past few years. The situation that prevails now is intolerable and I have no choice but to resign my post due to the lethargy of our superiors who do not address or assist us in the execution of law and order according to the standards of our department.



Q  Was this decision taken solely by you or was it a decision taken because of political pressures that you faced?  
Nobody played any part in my resignation. It was a decision solely taken by me following the burning of a stage set up for the common candidate Maithripala Sirisena and because of political pressure. I was unable to perform my duties properly and I decided to hand over my uniform and go home. My family was also unaware of my decision until I told them about it.  



Q  Has your resignation been accepted by your superiors?
I am not aware whether my resignation was accepted or not. The only thing I’m certain about is that I will not report to work again even if I am offered another chance. My decision is definite with regard to this matter.



Q  How many years have you been in service?
I have served as a government servant for eighteen years. For twelve years I served in the Special Task Force. I joined the Police in 2009 and have rendered my service as the officer-in-charge for three years.


"I could not perform my duties as well as I wanted because of political pressure. Starting from the provincial level upwards I always had to encounter political pressure which largely restricted my activities as an officer-in-charge of the Police Station"


Q  What is the impression you have about the Police Department and what do you have to say about the unfortunate events that led you to your decision?
I deeply respect the Police Department and my service of 18 years has taught me what it means to be loyal at my work place. It is sad to witness how police officers are disregarded and dismissed in a very disrespectful manner. Today, when we try to take action against perpetrators what we are actually told by our higher officials is similar to the case where you are asked to file a case against the knife that was used by a thief to steal a bunch of bananas instead of handcuffing the thief.

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