Voices of desperation: Re-enacting tragedy

The previous regime reminds one of a classical Greek tragedy, in which pride came before the fall, hubris followed by nemesis  

I was reminded of a famous saying ‘those who the Gods wish to destroy they first send mad’, when reading recent statements made by politicians who should know better.

Short memories seem to be a prominent feature among them all. Fortunately, President Sirisena, having had the courage to come forward, despite the many threats to him personally and his family, rescued us from a regime, which perhaps have the worst record in the entire world.

Unabated corruption, abuse of power, nepotism, murders and disappearances of journalists and notorious white vans were the trademarks of their rule.
Several people also had to flee the country, in fear for their lives, due to the threats and intimidation they were faced with. Today unashamedly, those responsible for all those atrocities’ have the gall to get up and point accusing fingers, at the President and the Prime Minister. The kindest thing one can say perhaps is that they are all suffering from selective amnesia. They now talk of blatant falsehoods, corruption and persecution of opponents! This, after the state media was repeatedly used to sling abuse and mud at The Prime Minister and other members of the then Opposition.

Today the State media is unbiased and gives everyone fair coverage. Their talking of corruption is more than a joke as all those with an IQ above zero, are aware of the rampant corruption, another feature of their time.

Nowhere in the country’s history, were so many relatives of those at the top given important posts.

Many without any qualifications whatsoever, and those who were citizens of other countries, to whom they had sworn allegiance, when they were granted citizenship.

Those who have done wrong and robbed the nation and its people have to be punished whoever they are. What about the way General Fonseka (Now Field Marshall) was treated by them? He was not given any privileges.

General Fonseka, in sharp contrast to those claiming honour for the war victory, fought in the front lines. Was this the way to treat a war hero?

Punishment to those guilty of corruption was promised to the people by President Sirisena in the election campaign.

Other foolish words being repeatedly uttered are that the PM has no business to be the Prime Minister.

This was something promised by President Sirisena in every speech made during the election campaign. One can perhaps comprehend the desperation of others, who say that Parliament cannot be dissolved; but that an alternative government be appointed, from those already in Parliament.

People voted for a Parliament of 100days, which is now long over, and this promise to the people has to be kept, sooner than later.

As those who made this plea recently, were in a government which never kept its promises, one cannot perhaps, expect better from them? Another statement made by a responsible politician was that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Minister Sajith Premadasa, should put away their new suits after the election, as they will have no use for them. This is indeed a foolish statement, as UNP leaders have always had suits.

They didn’t begin to buy and wear suits after the recent election. Another has said that it was the SLFP who helped the PM to become Prime Minister previously. How can this be so? Are they admitting then that they were responsible then for the cruel assassination of the late President Premadasa, as the PM’s first tenure of office as PM was after his murder?

They then state that his second time as PM was because of crossovers from the SLFP. This kind of foolish talk must be stopped.

In that context, the UNP can claim that the first budget of the Rajapaksa Government would have been defeated if not for the crossover of 17 UNP MPs?

But the UNP has an excellent second line of command, who do not resort to talking this kind of rot. They are all educated young professionals, who can earn their living anywhere in the world, and do not need politics for survival. This is why even when they breathe fire and fury, it is done with sense, intelligence and not in the hurling of obscenities. President Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe are dedicated to one goal; to return permanent peace and prosperity to our country with good governance within the rule of law.

To see that all ethnic groups are treated fairly and equally, to rid the country of corruption, abuse of children and women, drugs and violence.

They have already ensured an independent judiciary, which was absent for so long, freedom, democracy, reduced the cost of living and raised salaries and pensions. But they have a rough row to hoe with all the immense loans taken previously and the colossal waste of public money on white elephants, once again a notable feature of the previous government.

I don’t think anyone in their right mind wants a return to dictatorship, and a rule of intimidation, thuggery and violence. Both the President and the Prime Minister have retained their directness and ability to engage in discussion. They both know where they want to go, have tremendous clarity of purpose, matched by determination and vigour. The Prime Minister is famed for his vision, sense of history, fine intellect, and clear and uncluttered mind.

What happened to the previous regime reminds me of a classical Greek tragedy, in which the future is ordained. Pride came before the fall, hubris was followed by nemesis.

At the height of success, fatal flaws of character emerged and the seeds of failure were sown. 

Neither the President or the Prime Minister possess these fatal flaws, and therein lies hope for the future.

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