Statement issued by Karu Jayasuriya, UNP Leadership Council Chairman
It is patently clear that the Government coalition led by the United National Freedom Alliance (UPFA) is embroiled in a crisis. The crisis has reached such a zenith, one can hardly feel, sense or detect any authentic legacy left behind by its central leader- the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).
The UPFA coalition is led by some who consider the Bandaranaikes, the ones who pioneered the SLFP, as their enemies and one simply cannot disregard as trivial the pressure that is being brought upon the coalition by some genuine SLFPers. Instead of paying sensitive attention to those who clamour for authentic SLFP policies and principles, those who hold high office in this administration are engaged in a vain attempt to destroy the unity among the opposition parties which are making an attempt at a genuine united front. It reminds one of a person entrenched in muck and excreta pointing to the lack of a hairdo of a well-dressed man.
Whether it’s the UNP or the SLFP that wins the next election is not important. But we all agree that the winner should be our motherland. We in the United National Party are ready and determined to drive away this cancerous system of government. We indeed are ready to abolish a system that nurtures and looks after only one family, one person and one clan
Hiding behind the facade of ‘development’, the governing circles are indulging in an orgy of corruption, waste and nepotism. All sectors that directly impact on the day-to-day life of the average Sri Lankan such as transport, health, education, law and order, peaceful existence and general economic conditions are crumbling under the Mahinda Rajapaksa rule. Mass protests are taking place on a daily basis in almost every sector of the economy. It is even more emphasised as the Government is confronted with a serious credibility quandary in the international arena. In other words, all signals are indicative of a certain crumbling of the monolith of ‘Rajapaksism’. As enunciated by some political pundits, the country is on the threshold of bidding adieu to an uncivilised era and greeting the arrival of a civilised time.
It is beyond question that the unfortunate situation the country is faced with is solely attributable to the arbitrary manner in which the current Government leadership is navigating affairs of the State. They are behaving as if the whole of Sri Lanka is their personal property. It is no great surprise that, after arriving at the pinnacle of power
on the shoulders of many whose sacrifice and hard work was immense and indispensable at the beginning but who are now treated as some ordinary men and women and utterly expendable and a source of a great headache. They are so intoxicated with power that even some of their erstwhile close friends are now seen as lifelong enemies.
It is quite apparent that at the root of these unfavourable conditions is the Executive Presidential system. It certainly is a problem of systems rather than one of personalities. When such political savants like Lalith Athulathmudali and Gamini Dissanayake spoke against the Presidential system of government twenty three years ago, after having worked day in and day out to create that very same system, they would not have even dreamt of a person such as Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Whether it’s the UNP or the SLFP that wins the next election is not important. But we all agree that the winner should be our motherland. We in the United National Party are ready and determined to drive away this cancerous system of government. We indeed are ready to abolish a system that nurtures and looks after only one family, one person and one clan. In the next election, the issue before the voter is simple and stark. What is more important, Country or one Family?