Will Lady Luck accompany a common candidate?

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There is a search for a common oppositional candidate as the possibility of a presidential election has been announced by pro-government media. With the miserable election results it may be wise for the president to try his luck before the degeneration proceeded further. One pro-government pundit said that the opposition would have to display paid advertisements in the media calling applications for a “common candidate” for the post of President of Sri Lanka. He added “true to the international character of the “common opposition” the advertisement could appear in the “international media” as well. While this pundit was trying to be humorous another media informed us some time back that a powerful government minister had informed a senior UNP member about his   willingness  to contest against President Mahinda Rajapaksa if he was fielded as the common opposition candidate at the next Presidential election. In fact, this Minster has indicated that the SLFPers did not have any place in the government under the Rajapaksas and that there were 22 ministers ready to support an acceptable common candidate. It is learnt that this Minister has agreed to leave the government with the other ministers when the next Presidential election is called.

"Some of the leaders of the opposition parties are not different from foreigners in their intellectual capabilities and many are internationalists varying according to their class interest; they do not understand the psyche of the fascist type pundits who are linked to the backward Sinhala petty bourgeoisie"

In any case it is true that some of the leaders of the opposition parties are not different from foreigners in their intellectual capabilities and many are internationalists varying according to their class interest, and they do not understand the psyche of the fascist type pundits who are linked to the backward Sinhala petty bourgeoisie. Of course the political degeneration of President Rajapaksa is clearly seen in the support he draws from these parochial pundits. Obviously it is not only the “common opposition” that would be interested in the Presidential elections. The political intellectuals, NGO personalities, the various high commissions and embassies in Sri Lanka representing other countries would also be interested for various reasons. Unlike USA, under the Mahinda regime which is an appendage of western powers,  Sri Lanka respects the officials in the embassies and high commissions of other countries in Sri Lanka, particularly that of global powers. It was amply shown by the behavior of Cameron while he was in Lanka. The Sri Lankan Police or any other authority would not question these officials, even when they go beyond their limits. This sorry state is a result of the dependency of the Mahinda regime to the global capital. He has borrowed money and resources under various conditions for the war and the so-called development programme. Even recently, Amunugama went and explained to the masters how obediently the Mahinda regime was carrying out this development programme.

"For the oppositional liberal bourgeoisie Ranil is the best candidate. He has won the trust of the minorities by opposing the fascistic racist policies of the Mahinda regime. On the other hand even within the Sinhala upper classes the rational thinking anti-racist sections are supporting him"

Not only Karu Jayasuriya, but also Sajith Premadasa explained to the media that the “common candidate” of the “common opposition” could be from the UNP with precise logic and thinking. Ranil also has agreed to contest as far as I know. For the oppositional liberal bourgeoisie he is the best candidate. He has won the trust of the minorities by opposing the fascistic racist policies of the Mahinda regime. On the other hand even within the Sinhala upper classes the rational thinking anti-racist sections are supporting him. In that sense there is an anti fascist, anti racist common front developing within the upper-class society which is appealing to the urban proletariat and the lower-classes. The Bar Association is playing an important role in this venture. Many discussions and seminars were organised by Lawyers for Democracy where this issue was considered. From all that political happenings, it is clear why Karu Jayasuriya need not explain as to why the UNP could not go it alone. Clearly once a common candidate comes out of these considerations, liberal bourgeoisie will rally round him drawing substantial section of the Lankan society.  Ultimately there would be outside candidates representing the far left and the JVP. The far left will raise important issues but not strong enough to become a practical alternative unless dramatic events change the political scenario. The JVP will draw some sections breaking away from the Mahinda camp as it poses as a ‘patriotic’ plebian party. Nobody would be able to prevent the JVP running for Presidency, thus splitting pro-Mahinda regime votes, giving advantage to Ranil Wickremesinghe.

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