World Pharmacist day Drug is not a Shopping item     Follow

Medicines are used to obtain chemical actions to get rid of the disease from the patient’s body.
Most medicines are prepared in a pharmacy but are imported under various branded names.

The drug has three names, Its-:
1. Chemical Name
2. Generic Name
3. Trade Name

Generic names are issued by pharmacopeia commissions and world health organisations participate in some affairs. Trade names are being issued by appropriate drug companies which manufacture drugs on a large scale.

The medicine is usually identified by its Generic Name. Although a drug has only one Generic Name it has several Trade Names which are issued by drug manufacturing companies that introduce their product under that name to every nook and corner of the world through their commercial advertisements. These drug are imported under their trade names incessantly which are stored in pharmacies beautifully. If we consider that these drugs are essential items we will be creating problems for innocent patients because the drug only contains medicinal properties.

On noticing a patient’s attitude in buying drugs, they are used to requesting drugs orally without a prescription issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
According to the Cosmetic Devices and Drugs Ordinance, drugs fall into three categories OR SCHEDULES.

Schedule —1

  • Drugs which can be sold by a non licensed holder (They are household remedies)
They are to be sold unopened.
Example- Paracetamol tablets.

Schedule  — (2)

  • Schedule — (2) is sub-divided into two parts-schedule (2A) and (2B)

Schedule — 2(A)

  • Drugs which can be sold by a licensed holder without a prescription.
Ex-;Chlorpheniamine Maleate Expectorant, Salbutamol tablets etc.            
(These kinds of drugs can be sold by pharmacist without a prescription issued by a R.M.P.

Schedule — 2B

  • Drugs which can be sold on a prescription issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
Ex :- 1. Anti biotics (Amoxicillin capsules, Penicillin injections etc.)
2. Drugs which are prescribed for diabetic patients Ex-Tolubutamide, Gilpzide etc.
3. Drugs prescribed for the control of epilepsy such as Phenytoin, Sodium Valporate etc.
(There are several kinds of drugs such as Artihypertensives Antispy chaotics, Anti-depressants Anticoagulant, Anti cardiac, etc. which are to be dispensed under medical supervision)

Schedule —3

These drugs which are to be dispensed only with a prescription issued by a R.M.P. They are dangerous drugs and they are habit forming drugs. These drugs are usually given to patients who are in severe pain.

If any person takes any kind of these drugs for more than 3 days, he will become addicted to that drug.
Ex-:Morphine Salts, Diamorohine hydrochloride (Heroin hydrochloride)

These kinds of drugs should be dispensed, strictly under medical supervision. They are usually drugs that are available in hospitals. Drugs must be dispensed only under the schedules of the C.D. and D. Act. Some drugs which come under household remedies can be bought from normal shops in an un-opened package. Some of these types of drugs can be sold by a pharmacist without a prescription issued by a registered medical practitioner. All the drugs other than the above should be sold only on a prescription given by a R.M.P. The Cosmetic Devices and Drugs Act is legislated by the government in order to keep people healthy.

Issuing drugs without knowing, the rules and regulations in the Cosmetic Devices and Drugs Act is not a matter to be taken lightly. Some patients buy antibiotic drugs just as they would groceries. Antibiotics are part III  poisons according to the Poisons Opium and Dangerous Drugs Ordinance.

Some kinds of drugs in schedule 2(B) are lethal and should
not be dispensed without medical supervision.
For instance if any person takes Largactil tablets in greater quantities than recommended by the R.M.P., the person might die. Someone contemplating suicide might request the pharmacy to sell drugs such as Diazepam to take it orally. Therefore it is  very dangerous to treat drugs just as shopping items. Each drug has effects as well as side effects.  Therefore, the doctor himself prescribes drugs for patients for any  serious ailment.The pharmacist should dispense drugs according to the C.D D.O Act. The Pharmacist’s occupation is a profession and it is a responsible one. He is responsible to the patient and to the health authority. It is not a get rich soon profession. Pharmacy owners should handle this trade with the intention of creating a healthier life for patients As a results of the service they provide they can earn money.

Groceries are purchased by customers. Drugs are used by innocent patients. We must consider patient’s rights at all times. Supposing a patient dies owing to an incorrect medicine being prescribed what will happen?  Nobody can play with the lives of innocent patients. Unlike groceries, each drug should be stored under proper storage conditions. Dangerous drugs must be stored in a separate cupboard known as the“Dangerous drugs cupboard”. The key to this cupboard should be in the possession of a senior pharmacist. When storing, pharmacy owners must be concerned about the proper storage conditions. They should sell the drug according to the schedule of the C.D. and D. Act After dispensing any drug pharmacist should fill the columns of the prescription book. The pharmacists should keep the prescription book for a period of two years. from the date of last dispensing. He can’t discard the book although it has become full. Only groceries can be sold without observing a procedure which appears above.

Therefore, selling drugs to patients is a profession and not a business similar to other businesses. We must protect patients and we have a duty to make them understand about the C.D. and D. Act. Otherwise patients are in the dark and they are compelled to think that buying drugs is like buying groceries for their home. If the patient can buy schedule 2(B) drugs such as antibiotics without a prescription, then there will be no use for doctors. If the drug is dispensed according to the rules and the regulations of the CD. and D. ordinance, it will mean a better future for patients, doctors and pharmacists alike.

(The writer is a Registered Pharmacist)

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