BCS Sri Lanka Section elects new leadership for 2022/23

The British Computer Society (BCS) - The Chartered Institute for IT (Sri Lanka Section) recently elected its new leadership for the year 2022/23 at the Annual General Meeting held virtually.

The new Sri Lanka leadership team consists of the Executive Committee led by Chairman Vajeendra S. Kandegamage. Secretary is Prof. Lasith Gunawardena and the Treasurer is Alanzo Doll while K. V. Kuganathan is the Immediate Past Chairman. 

Elaborating on his leadership vision for BCS in 2022/’23, Chairman Vajeendra S Kandegamage said, “I am indeed privileged to be elected as the leader of the BCS Sri Lanka Section after a 15-year association with BCS. While continuing with the existing projects, I would also like to focus on a number of activities that provide sustainable benefits to our members, implement a Social Media and Digital Marketing strategy for BCS SL Section as well as add a special category to the National ICT Awards to recognize BCS Students projects.” 

“I also hope to focus on the continuous career development of the members and recognizing outstanding members – from FBCS, MBCS, CITP, AMBCS who have made significant contributions to the industry and improve the BCS Certificate of Quality to the next level,” he further elaborated. 

Vajeendra is a Chartered IT Professional with a proven track record of over 27 years in the IT industry. His IT Professional career is packed with many vertical and lateral moves resulting in the experience he brings to BCS Sri Lanka. Currently, he functions as the Managing Director/CEO of Stemcore Asia (Pvt) Limited, a top-tier firm operating in Information and Communication Technology Services, Solution Development, and IT Consulting. He has previously served as the Director - Projects & Planning/Founder of Info Link Systems Lanka in 2003 and was a Managing Partner of Infotech Solutions Inc. from 2001 to 2003. 

For over 15 years, Vajeendra has been recognized as one of the most experienced ICT judges at both national and International ICT competitions. In addition, his continuous contribution as the Chairman for National ICT Awards – NBQSA, for 10 consecutive years, recognizes his management and leadership capabilities. He also holds many honorary positions at the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA). 

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