Ken Vijayakumar –CEO/ Coach Inward bound International (pvt) Ltd, Major Vijith Welikala – Chairman Inward bound International (pvt) Ltd, Dr.Radha  Reddy–Director / Facilitator Yoga and Meditation  –Inward bound International (pvt) Ltd, Prof. Ganesh Rao – Consultant –Inward Bound International (pvt) Ltd, B.R.M Fernando – Consultant Experiential /Adventure based Learning –Inward Bound International (pvt) Ltd, Rechel Helnie George – Facilitator Experiential /Adventure based Learning –Inward bound international (pvt) Ltd


Have you ever tried asking someone about your true potential? Why is it that, more often than not, your mind is conditioned to blind-spot the real picture? Even for a nanosecond have you wondered why the mind works the way it works, instead of the way it should ideally work? The answer to this lies in the stere-otyped way of thinking that often is the outcome of self-imposed barriers of title, hierarchical responsibili-ties, status quo and perceived limitations. It’s time to rip them apart.

Welcome to Inward Bound, an award-winning local enterprise with a global perspective. At Inward Bound we promote the 'inside-out' approach that helps you tear-off that chip on your shoulder. We believe that to unshackle your true potential it’s very important to break away from those self-imposed, mental blocks. Thus, unlike most of the outbound training programs, our training programs are tailor made of help you introspect your soul, enrich your body and empower you mind. Our know-how, gained through training thousands of participants, provides a unique learning experience for individuals as well as corporate groups. All our activities are nature-based to help you discover your true self by challenging your limits. Our 'Key Program Elements' focus on: 

Physical Development by helping you to push your limits way beyond your own preconceived abilities and limitations. These activities don't just build you confidence but also enables you to break out of the box and discover your true underlying potential. 

Mental Development by harping on ways to break the stereotyped patterned mindset. 

Emotional Development is aided through the understanding that one who cares about others will infect others with this compassion. Our passion is to nurture a sense of gratitude, humor, and empathy. 

Spiritual Development makes it easy to reconnect with Mother Nature and your soul. In fact, the founder of Inward Bound, Major Vijith Welikala, has built his many businesses on innovation, creativity and teamwork. Winning the entrepreneurship national gold medal and first ever Adventure Hotel Award qualifies him to lead his Super Team of trainers at our purpose-built proprietary, first-of-its-kind centers in Sri Lanka - Ella Jungle Resort and Thotupola Lakeside Resort. 

Our team consists of a mixture of senior retired Service Officers and management experts. They count long years of experience in operational, administrative and management and supervise our team of Instructors who have commando and Special Service backgrounds.

 In a nutshell, it's all about freedom. Freedom to create, innovate and maximize individual, team and corporate potential.

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