Baby Cheramy joins hands to provide best care for country’s first sextuplets

From left: Chevin Mandawala, Assistant Brand Manager of Baby Cheramy; Janakie Karunaratne, Lead - Corporate Affairs of Hemas Consumer Brands; Danushka Silva, Marketing Manager of Baby Cheramy; Udayanga Maravanagoda, father of the sextuplets and Pushpa Walpita, District Officer – ECCD


On October 21st, Sri Lanka’s first sextuplets were born. To celebrate this occasion Baby Cheramy came forward with a commitment of providing its complete range of baby care products to the parents of the sextuplets, for an entire year. 

As a brand that firmly understands the pulse of the parents, Baby Cheramy pledged to provide the family with essential baby care products including diapers, shampoo, soap, cream, cologne, oil and laundry care items. The first set of items was recently handed over to Udayanga Maravanagoda, the father of the sextuplets.

“Having six kids was completely unexpected for both my wife Dilini and I. We knew that there will be many physical, emotional and financial challenges. As all mothers, Dilini too experienced several physical difficulties during her pregnancy and even post the delivery, and I will continue to do everything I can to help her through it. 
I want to raise our children together. We had to re-evaluate everything on how we will go about raising six infants. We are truly grateful for Baby Cheramy’s pledge of its vast range of high-quality baby care products. We really appreciate all who have supported us andhave pledged support for the years to come”, Udayanga said.

Danushka Silva, Marketing Manager of Baby Cheramy said, “The birth of these sextuplets brought great joy to us, especially as a brand committed to offering baby care products of the highest quality. 

While ensuring utmost comfort and care to the little ones, our brand purpose also focuses on creating awareness on inclusive parenting where we believe that both parents play an important role in the life of a child. It was so encouraging to see Udayanga’s commitment to be a fully involved father as both him and his wife looked forward to meeting every challenge together. 

We thank the National Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) division which works closely with us and gave valuable advice to the young father. We are truly honoured to be able to join hands with the parents to assure the best for their children.”

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