CIC Holdings’ 2015/16 Annual Report wins Gold at the 52nd Annual Report Awards of Institute of Chart

Photo caption – left to right :
Mr Nishantha Weerakoon, Group Finance Director CIC Holdings receiving the award, Mr Dulitha Perera- Alternate Chairman –Annual Report Awards Committee 2016, Mr Indrajith Fernando -Past President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Mr  Sanjaya Bandara –Chairman -Annual Report Awards Committee 2016

CIC Holdings’ walked away with the Gold award in the Manufacturing companies category at the 52nd Annual Report Awards competition organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka on 6th December 2016 at the Grand Ballroom, Water’s Edge. The most prestigious competition for Annual Reports in the country, it has helped enhance the standards in financial reporting in line with global standards. CIC Holdings’ annual report over the years has received accolades for its exacting reporting standards. 

Samantha Ranathunga – Managing Director/CEO, CIC Holdings said, ‘’CIC Holdings is delighted to win the coveted Gold award at The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka awards ceremony, from amongst fierce competition in this category. These awards have achieved in mobilizing companies to adopt better reporting standards and now our annual reports compare well with global counterparts. I would like to thank the Institute for its tireless poursuit of driving excellence in reporting. CIC’s annual report this year is a true reflection of our good governance and high levels of stakeholder engagement. I commend the entire team at CIC who worked to make this annual report worthy of this accolade.’’
Themed ‘Precision Exemplified’, the Annual Report Awards rewarded entities under 23 sectors, driving Sri Lankan corporates to adopt evolving global trends in annual reporting and encouraging them to adopt best practices to be on par with their global counterparts.  

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