International Sustainability Expert joins the Carbon Consulting Company

(Left to Right) Nik – Senior Consultant, CCC and Sanith de S. Wijeyeratne - CEO, CCC shaking hands

With 16 years of international experience in environmental risk assessment, auditing and consulting, Nik brings withhima wealth of knowledge and global expertise to the consulting team at CCC.
Prior to joining CCC, Nikwas a Principal Consultant at the UK based CarbonClear Ltd, a specialist carbonfootprinting, offsetting and energy management consultancy. Hisrolemainlyfocused on Key Account Management, but alsoincluded business development and planning, team & line management and new service line development. Hisworkincludedassisting in the corporatecarbon, water and GRI reporting for Japan Tobacco International as well as helping developsupplychain engagement programmes for companiesincluding Coca Cola Enterprises.

“Nikbrings much needed global expertise to the local sustainability landscape.” says CEO of The Carbon Consulting Company - Sanith de S. Wijeyeratne. “He willbe able to draw on his extensive experience and expertise, both in technicala sesments and auditing and in Key Account Management, to add value to the CCC Team and to create better sustainability partnerships for our client portfolio. We are privileged to have him as part of CCC’s senior management.”  

Prior to Carbon Clear, Nikwas a Senior Consultant at Bureau Veritas UK Ltd, a leading global certification & inspection companythatprovidesriskconsultancy, verification and compliance services to a range of global blue-chip organisations. His responsibilities included carbon & other sustainability assessments, climate change consulting, project management, client liaison, and technical review & sign off. For two years during his tenure at Bureau Veritas, Nikwas Project Manager for Nestlethat included the review of Nestle's sustainability material issues and CSV (CreatingShared Value) Reporting a crossits global operations; four years workingwith AstraZeneca to review and assessits key social, ethical and environmental risks with in their global business operations; and three years working with Mars Inc. on improving their global environmental and sustainability performance. Nik began his career in finance and climate change working as a technicalanalyst for Aon PLC for five years, helping price& place environmental and carbon risks into London’s re insurance market.

Coming on board as CCC’s Senior Consultant, Nikhadthis to say; “I’mreally pleased to bejoining the CCC team. The demand for carbon, energy and environmental support isgrowing here in Sri Lanka as both public and private companies are looking at integrating CSR and sustainabilityinto their operations. I’m really looking forward to sharing my international experience with our growing client base, and learning more about the challenges and opportunities here. These are exciting times!”

Nik has an MSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of East Anglia, and a BSc in Psychology from Southampton University. He is a Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner (CSAP); a PAS 2050 Lead Auditor (assessment of goods& services green house gase missions); an ISO 14064-1 Lead Auditor (assessment of corporatecarbonemissions); and a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Trainee Validation Auditor. Nikwasalso a member of the Carbon Working Group on developing GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) G4.

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