Kudawellafishing trawler owner overwhelmed by service levels of Amãna Takaful

The cheque was received by the owner W S S Prasanna in the presence of Fazal Ghaffoor – CEO, ATL. This occasion was also attended by Janaka Wijeyakumara - Regional Manager for South and Sabaragamuwa Provinces, TharangaSuren - Branch Manager, Hambanthota and W.M.R.M Bandara - Assistant Sales Manager.
Amãna Takaful (ATL) paid full reparation for a fishing trawler that collided with a ship off the coast of Kaduwella recently. The cheque was received by the owner W S S Prasannain the presence of Fazal Ghaffoor – CEO,ATL. This occasion was also attended by Janaka Wijeyakumara- Regional Manager for South and Sabaragamuwa Provinces, TharangaSuren- Branch Manager, Hambanthotaand W.M.R.M Bandara - Assistant Sales Manager.
Speaking atthe occasion, the recipient Mr. Prasannahad this to say, ‘Soon after the accident our initial response was to call ATL and inform the agents of the damage to the fishing vessel. Then the assessors came for an inspection and all the necessary documents were submitted for processing. Within three days I received a call from the Manager of the ATL Hambantota Branch, saying that after careful evaluation of the damage, a substantial claim settlement has been finalised as compensation for the incident.” He continued “The speed, professionalism and efficiency demonstrated by ATL were truly exceptional. I received the claim within 10 days. I honestly encourage all my fellow fishing community members to go ahead and subscribe to a“Samudra Shakthi” insurance scheme with ATL without any hesitation.” Concluded the recipient “Nowwe finally have an insurance company that feels for us, and we could rely 100% on’ ATL’s “ Samudra Shakthi”  Insurance scheme presently has a strong presence in the following geographies; Kalutara, Galle, Matara, Hambantota, Beruwela, Ambalantota, Negombo, Puttalam, Mannar, Mulathivu, Jaffna, Trincomalee, Kinniya, Muthur, Batticoloa, Kalmunai and Akkrapattu. 
ATL continues to be in the forefront of the insurance industry in Sri Lanka and caters to all segments of customers. The Takaful way of insurance operates on the concept of bringing people together to be part of a system that gives them the opportunity to help each other. Since its inception 17 years ago, ATL has been successful in establishing a strong position for the concept of Takaful amidst competition from established conventional players. As the pioneer Takaful provider, ATL operates 27 branches and is set to expand further to better serve customers across the country. ATL continuously reaches out to customers from all segments of society and offers innovative and state-of-the-art insurance products that are convenient, affordable and reliable. As part of its commitment to remain ‘open to all’, ATL serves all communities and employs a multi-ethnic team across its network.

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