Land Rover Powers Trinity College Rugby 2016

Continuing its commitment to the game of rugby, Land Rover extended their sponsorship as the principal sponsor to the Trinity College, Kandy 1st XV squad for the fourth consecutive year. Munchee, the flagship brand of Ceylon Biscuits Limited (CBL) Sri Lanka’s largest FMCG conglomerate, also joins in to support the team as an associate sponsor for the 2016 rugby season.  

Trinity College, founded in 1872, holds an unparalleled rugby tradition in Sri Lanka with old boy, L.E. Blaze being credited for having introduced the game to the island’s schools in 1906, the year in which Trinity played Kingswood College in the very first schoolboy rugby encounter in the country. One of Sri Lanka’s leading schools with a rich heritage, Trinity College has maintained its standard as one of the prominent school rugby sides in the country. 

Speaking of the college and the team, Andrew Fowler-Watt – Principal, Trinity College, Kandy stated, “Trinity College is a multi-facetted educational institution on par with leading private schools in the British Commonwealth. We at Trinity strive for an all-round education built on the school’s motto of “Respice Finem”; looking not to the end, but for years ahead of serving the youth of Sri Lanka. The Trinity rugby fraternity is privileged to have a global brand such as Land Rover and a conglomerate such as CBL to support Trinity rugby.” 

Highlighting the partnership, Sheran Fernando – Managing Director, SML Frontier Automotive, the sole agent of Land Rover in Sri Lanka commented, “Land Rover and rugby share many values which include integrity, courage, pride, composure and capability. These values are required not only to create great competitive rugby but are also fitting for world class all-terrain vehicles. Thus our affiliation and support for the game, be it at a grassroot level or at an elite level is long standing. We are proud to further strengthen this affiliation locally as the prinicpal sponsor of the Trinity College rugby team. The match between Trinity and Royal, is the most watched rugby match in the country and we wish the team the best of luck at the beginning of yet another exciting rugby season.”

Theja Peiris – Group General Manager – Marketing, Ceylon Biscuits Limited, the Associate sponsor of the team further added, “We are happy to be on board as the Assoiciate Sponsor of Trinity Rugby which has a rich heritage among rugby playing schools in Sri Lanka. Muchee as the No.1 biscuits brand in Sri Lanka wishes to extend its support to further strengthen the game of rugby at Trinity College. We see our assistance in developing Trinity’s favourite game not just as sponsorship but something beyond that, as the Associate sponsor we look forward to having a long and fruitful relationship 

The colleges association, the Old Trinitian’s Rugby Scrummage (OTRS) which manages rugby across all age groups, chaired by Rohan Abayakoon also thanked Land Rover and CBL for their support on the ‘Trinity Rugby’ brand. 

The 1st XV Rugby Captain of Trinity College Kandy, Rahul Karunathilake will lead the team at the 72ndBradby Shield encounter which will take place on 30th of April at the Royal College Sports Complex with the return leg on 14th of May at the Pallakele Rugby stadium. 


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