Laugfs Eco Sri becomes first ISO 14001 certified emission services provider in South Asia     Follow

Dr. L N Senaweera, Director General of SLSI, presenting the ISO 14001 certification to Laugfs Chairman W.K.H Wegapitya



Laugfs Eco Sri, the first to introduce air quality management and a pioneer in eco solutions in Sri Lanka, recently became the first organization in the South Asian region to receive the ISO 14001 certification in emission services. 
The award ceremony held at the Sri Lanka Standards Institution was attended by top management of Laugfs Holdings and Laugfs Eco Sri, including Group Chairman of Laugfs, W.K.H Wegapitiya, as well as the Director General of SLSI, Dr. L.N. Senaweera. The Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) is a semi-government body, which promotes standards and quality relevant to products, services and processes.
ISO 14001 Certification is awarded to companies that correctly manage the impacts of their activities on the environment through proper control of operational processes. This prestigious environmental certification serves to endorse and reinforce Laugfs Eco Sri’s commitment towards minimizing the impacts on the environment across its operations. It was indeed an extremely proud occasion for those at Laugfs Eco Sri and for all those present at the ceremony. Dr. L.N. Senaweera, spoke on the importance of the ISO 14001 Certification and expressed his delight to be presenting this certification to Laugfs Eco Sri.
Wegapitiya stated, “As a local corporate entity and an energy giant not only in Sri Lanka, but regionally, Laugfs places environmental sustainability and safety among its top priorities. It is with this commitment that Laugfs Eco Sri has continuously driven to achieve high quality standards in terms of both service portfolio and operational processes. Receiving the ISO 14001 for Vehicle Emission Testing process is a testament to this commitment”.
When asked about the honour of being awarded the ISO 14001 certification, Group Managing Director of Laugfs Holdings, Thilak De Silva stated, “this is indeed a great achievement for Laugfs Eco Sri as well as the entire group. Eco Sri is one of the two government appointed service providers for vehicle emission testing services and this environmental certification is not only extremely relevant, but also further reinforces our focus on our environmental footprint as a major stakeholder in the Air Quality Management program in Sri Lanka.”
The ISO 14001 is a globally accredited certification, which is awarded to companies that manage and minimize environmental impacts from operational process activities. Companies which are certified with ISO 14001 implement process controls to reduce adverse environmental impacts as well as to continuously improve an organization’s environmental performance. Some of the strategies which Laugfs Eco Sri deployed include the reduction of electricity consumption and paper usage, minimizing of environmental impacts during the vehicle emission testing process, and increasing the electronic waste and waste paper recycling activities. This certification serves to encourage sustainable business practices, providing a unifying basis for industry compliance through regulations and environmental standards.

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