MSLGROUP defines six communication drivers of the food and beverage industry

The Future of Food Communications: Winning Share of Mouth in the Conversation Age

Based on the need for a transformative communications model in the modern food and beverage industry , MSLGROUP has unveiled Six Communication Drivers for Winning Share of Mouth in the Conversation Age.  The drivers –distilled from the expert opinions of top food industry communications experts inside and outside the firm -- are supported by secondaryresearch.  They are outlined in the latest People’s Insights Series, The Future of Food Communications:  Winning Share of Mouth in the Conversation Age, that provides a deep look into future food and food communications that are also relevant to the Sri Lankanmarket. In Sri Lanka MSLGROUPwhichis a part of Leo Burnett, handles a vast and diverse portfolio of clients including multi-nationalsand major local companiesin the food and beverage sector.

According to Pascal Beucler, Chief StrategyOfficer, MSLGROUP, “in order to succeed in the conversation age, food and beverage brands needto rely on a contemporary mix of communications techniques from power fulvisual stimuli tosocial influence at scale, as well buildan attractive brand reputation, a brand narrative that delivers modern appetite appeal, a health and wellness story and a strong connection to culture.”  

MSLGROUP has organized the Six Communications Drivers into a new diagnostic toolthatis the centerpiece of how itassesses and organizes the communications activities of food and beverage companies and brands.

“These drivers can help food and beverage brands profitably balance their communications,” said Steve Bryant, Managing Director, MSLGROUP in Seattle and one of the global agency’stopfood experts.  “They are the beginning of an important dialogue about how the latest communications practices, platforms and channels can best rategically deployed to maximize revenue.” 

Through opinion piecesfrom experts at MSLGROUP and in the foodindustry, The Future of Food Communications highlights key take aways, whichinclude:

•    Food in the conversation age is about more than just food

Food choices and preferences today depend on a multitude of factors, including peerre commendations, personal ethical concerns, specifichealth needs, and cultural relevance, among others. Food companies need to understand and respond with precision engagement to effectively winshare of mouth.

•    In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, food companies need to ensure trust

Withincreasingawareness of thebroadimpact ofourfoodchoices, consumers and activists areseeking and sharing information about whatgoesintotheirfood. Proactive transparencyare required to ensureconsumer trust and advocacy.

•    Food brands need to be where the consumers are – literally and figuratively 

Food habits have evolveddramatically– sit-down meals are increasinglyreplaced by on-the-go snacking. The connectedconsumers of todayrequire brands to reachthemwherethey are – physicallyas well as mentally. It’s as much about accessibility as itis about strategic, timely communication. 

•    Food companies need to carefully communicate the high-tech future of food

Technologyholdsgreat promise in food innovation, yetitis essential for the foodindustry to powerfullycommunicatethebenefits, explaining new technologies, cultivating trust in unseen innovations, and popularizingnew ways of eating, especially at a time whenconsumers value the apparent simplicity of natural, farmfreshfoods.To successfullysteerthis conversation, food and beverage brandscanhighlightthemes of transparency, innovation, personalization and mobility.

Summing up the report, Bryant concluded : ″Consumerstodayseek a seeminglyparadoxical all-natural, yet high-tech future of food. For marketers, that’s a caution to revisittheircommunication plans, understandingwhat key factorsnowdriveconsumption and revenue.″

To read‘The Future of Food Communications:  WinningShare of Mouth in the Conversation Age’ visit

About‘The Future of Food Communications

‘The Future of Food Communications:  Winning the Share of Mouth in the Conversation Age’is part of MSLGROUP’s People’s Insights projectwhichsharesviewsfrom our global team of 100+ strategic planners, researchers and insight experts. Othertitlesinclude The Future of Employee (Re)Engagement, The Future of Reputation, The Future of Business Citizenship, The Future of Creativity, Data In. Data Out. Transforming Big Data into Smart Ideas, and A Chance for Change: The Tipping Point for Sustainable Business.

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