Oppo wins Disruptive Device Innovation at GLOMO Awards 2022

Oppo Vice President Overseas Sales and Service Billy Zhang and GLOMOs Head Judge and Executive Chairman Shaun Collins at CCS Insight


Oppo was presented with the Disruptive Device Innovation Award at the 2022 Global Mobile (GLOMO) Awards, at MWC22 Barcelona.

The award, which recognises Oppo for its Hinge and Display Integration on Find N, was announced during a virtual ceremony co-hosted by Sasha Twining and Justin Springham from Mobile World Live and streamed to audiences around the globe via LinkedIn.

“We are extremely honored that Find N has received the Disruptive Device Innovation Award at this year’s GLOMOs. This is a huge recognition of Oppo’s products and technology not only from our peers in the industry but also end users themselves,” said Oppo Vice President Overseas Sales and Service Billy Zhang. “Following four years of R&D and six iterations, we are delighted to see that Oppo Find N is finally making foldable devices suitable for everyday people, rather than devices purely for tech enthusiasts.”

“The judges were particularly impressed by the innovations of Oppo’s foldable Find N. This execution of the technology by Oppo was praised by the judges for its durability and ease of use in a rapidly maturing sector of the market. The judges also noted that Oppo had delivered it in the most affordable large foldable phone on the market,” said GLOMOs Head Judge and Executive Chairman Shaun Collins, at CCS Insight.

The GLOMO Awards, chaired by CCS Insight Executive Chairman Shaun Collins, are adjudicated by over 200 independent industry experts, analysts, journalists, academics, mobile operator representatives and CTOs and are widely recognised as the most prestigious accolade in the mobile industry. The Disruptive Device Innovation category recognises new technology products that make use of innovation in hardware and software to enhance performance and improve user experience. In winning the award, Oppo’s Find N was recognised for its distinct, self-developed hinge mechanism as well as its unique external design.

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