Pegasus Reef partners with Sri Lanka Police to promote road safety in Wattala

Pegasus Reef Beach Hotel organized a special workshop by joining hands with the Wattala Police station to createa wareness among school children on road accidents and the prevention of accidents. Being mindful of the increasing number of motor vehicle accidents, Pegasus Reef Beach Hotel commenced this initiative as a step to reduce the number of road accidents which are increasing day by day and taking young lives.

The police officer shad the chance to speak to 1000 school children in the Wattala area and emphasised the importance of beingalert to prevent accidents. The police highlighted the roleplayed by pedestrians in the prevention of accidents and the importance of themobeying road rules. The school children were then involved in practical demonstrations on how to safe guard themselves and be responsible on the road. The workshop wasfinallyconcluded by emphasizing how motorists and pedestrians should frequently update themselves on road traffic safety rules.


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