People’s Bank Buddhist Society presents house to low-income family


Marking the occasion of People’s Bank’s 60th anniversary and as part of the bank’s ongoing housing project, the People’s Bank Buddhist Society presented a brand new house to Deepika Sanjeewani, a resident of the village of Mundimuruppu in Vavuniya. 

The house was officially handed over by Ranjith Kodituwakku - Chief Executive Officer/General Manager of People’s Bank and Major General D.M.H.D. Bandara - Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) recently.
Based on the request made by the 562 Infantry Brigade in Echchankulam, Vavuniya, People’s Bank Buddhist Society provided financial support and coordinated the construction of the new hoouse while the troops of the 562 Infantry Brigade in Vavuniya provided the manpower for same.

Major General A.A.D.N.S.P. Dunuvila - General Officer Commanding Infantry 56 Division, Brigadier A.M.S. Premawansa –Brigade Commander 562 Infantry Brigade, Major H.K. Kumarasiri - Commanding Officer 17 (V) Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment of the Sri Lanka Army, together with Mahinda Premanath - Deputy General Manager(Channel Management)of People’s Bank-,V. Kanagasabai- Wanni Regional Manager, Retired Major D.M.T.B. Dassanayake – Assistant Security Superintendent, Army officials and officials of the People’s Bank Buddhist Society also participated in the event.

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