Pest Control with a ‘Green Touch’

(Right to Left) Arthur Stuwert - Quality Assurance Executive, Exterminators, Shehani De Waas - Customer Relationship Manager, Exterminators, Travis Ferreira - Director, Exterminators, Glenn Sonntag – Manager, Sustainable Development &Strategy, SFG, Nik Bollons - Senior Consultant, CCC and Shehan Dias – Associate,  Marketing Communications, CCC

There’spest control, then there’s carbon neutral pest control ! The Exterminators (Private) Limited – Sri Lanka’s most decorated and Asia’sonly Carbon Neutral® certified pest control company, renewed its carbon neutral status for a 3rd consecutive year through recertification from Natural Capital Partners (NCP) in the UK.

Exterminators have been in operation for nearly 20 years, setting benchmarks with in their industry and winningmany local and international accolades for business, brand, industrial excellence and entrepreneurship. As the only Pest Management Company in the world to have received ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications, and Sri Lanka’s first to receive ISO 9001:2008 certification, their staff are trained and affiliated to leading professional industry standards and bodies in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Australia, USA & UK.

The Carbon Neutral® certification was awarded by The Sustainable Future Group (SFG), NCP’sregional verification & certification partner, following an extensive analysis of the company’s Green house Gas (GHG) emissions and subsequent purchase of verifiedcarbon credits through supporting a registered Hydro Power project in Sri Lanka. Exterminators have closely monitored their Carbon Footprint over the past three years, actively working toward sreducingit year-on-year with the help of an external sustainability consultancy firm - The Carbon Consulting Company (CCC). 

Commenting at the certificate handover, Marlon Ferreira, Entrepreneur of Exterminators, remarked “In the past few years alone, we have seen the devastating effects of climate change in ourown country. Being environmentally friendly is no longer a ‘nicething to do’. We are always on the lookout for new developments in practices, systems and technology in ourindustry in terms of being responsible to our environment and society. All our accreditations and certifications, including Carbon Neutral, are a testament to that and we are grateful to SFG and CCC for guiding us towards becoming more sustainable.”

Glenn Sonntag, Manager - Sustainable Development and Strategy at SFG, presented the certificate,adding, “We are veryexcited to recognise Exterminators for standing apartfrom the competition as a sustainability leader in the pest control sector, by measuring and reducing the carbon footprint of their operations. They have adopted a proactive approach in communicating their Carbon Neutral ® Certification to their customers and the public, which demonstrates their sincere commitment to lead by example in CSR & environmental sustainability, as a truly responsible corporate citizen in their community and Sri Lanka as a whole”.

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