Premium International supports paediatricians’ training course     Follow

Specialist (Consultant) Pediatric Intensivist Dr. Nalin Kitulwatte during his presentation 

Premium International (Pvt.) Ltd, a leading innovative and integrated healthcare solutions provider, along with its international partners Covidien - USA and Stephan - Germany sponsored the ‘Paediatric Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive-care’ training course held at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) Colombo. The Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians (SLCP) organised this two-day workshop and it was conducted and facilitated by leading paediatricians and neonatologists. 

The SLCP is a professional body of paediatricians working towards educating doctors on the latest development in paediatrics and neonatology strategies in order to improve the quality of the service and standards. The training course was conducted for consultant paediatricians and paediatric registrars who participated from different parts of the country.

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