Sampath Bank supports Swarna Pusthaka Awards as main sponsor for eleventh year

Rupa Sriyani Ekanayake, winning author of this year’s Swarna Pusthaka Award receiving the winning cheque from Ayodhya Iddawela Perera - Senior Deputy General Manager (Corporate Banking), Sampath Bank. State Minister of National Heritage, Performing Arts and Rural Arts Promotion Vidura Wickremanayake is also present


Furthering its support of creating a generation of readers in Sri Lanka, Sampath Bank recently participated in the 2021 Swarna Pusthaka Awards as the main sponsor for the eleventh year. 

Vidura Wickramanayake, State Minister of National Heritage, Performing Arts and Rural Arts Promotion and Ayodhya Iddawela Perera, Senior Deputy General Manager (Corporate Banking) representing Sampath Bank graced the occasion as 
chief guests.

The Swarna Pusthaka Awards, offer the highest prize money for a Literary Award in Sri Lanka, where the winning novel receives a cash prize of Rs. 750,000 and the five finalists receive a cash prize of Rs. 100,000 each. Full contribution for these cash prices are provided by Sampath Bank. 

Organized by the Sri Lanka Book Publishers Association since 2007, the Swarna Pusthaka Award coincide with the Colombo International Book Fair every year.Due to the current ongoing pandemic, the International Book Fair was not held this year. Out of 109 novels published in 2020 by the Book Publishers Association for the Swarna Pusthaka Award, a panel of 10 scholars shortlisted 
12 novels. 

A panel of five scholars made the final selection of novels, announcing the winner and the five finalists. As a result, the novels Mukthi by Somaratne Balasuriya, Aramadasa by Ariyawansa Abeysekera, Bana Kusum by Katyana Amarasinghe, Berunda Kedella by Rupa Sriyani Ekanayaka and Jiwithaye Oil Pellama by Tharindu Sri Lokugamage were selected for the final round. The novel ‘Berunda Kedella’ written by Rupa Sriyani Ekanayaka won the Swarna Pusthaka Award, the Publisher’s Honour for Sinhala Novel Art.

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