Seylan Bank provides Covid-19 protection sheets to three wheelers in North and East


Seylan Bank launched a community responsibility project to distribute Covid protection sheets for three-wheelers. 
The first step of the project was carried out in the Northern and Eastern Provinces where the protection sheets were handed over to three-wheeler owners at an event organized by the Seylan Bank branches.

The pandemic situation in the country led to three-wheeler drivers installing protection sheets between the driver and the passenger. Seylan Bank stepped forward to provide these sheets to encourage a responsible transport service, which protect the drivers and passengers by limiting contact. 

The bank has exemplified its ‘Responsible Me’ objective, which was introduced during the 2nd Covid-19 outbreak in Sri Lanka. Seylan Bank used the initiative to guide the public to be cautious and vigilant about their health and safety, which was in turn adopted and publicly supported by celebrities and social media influencers alike. 

The distribution of the Covid Protection Sheets was carried out by the Area Manager, the Branch Managers and staff of Seylan Bank, in the presence of the PHI Officers and Police Officers of the Northern and Eastern region. The initiative received much appreciation from all stakeholders. Following the success in the North and East, Seylan Bank will continue this project in all regions of the island. 

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