Sri Lankan Certification Body First to Receive ISO 14064 Accreditation in the Region

(Left to Right)Mithila Gunasekara – Assistant Director,SLAB, ThilakWickramasingheDirector/CEO, SLAB, Dr. RanjivaMunasinghe - Director, SFG, LakminiSenadheera-Manager, Sustainability Assurance Services, Glenn Sonntag - Manager, Operations

The Sustainable Future Group (SFG) – a newly established environmental verification and certification services provider in Sri Lanka, recently became the first regional body to be awarded international accreditation for ISO 14064. The ISO 14064 series of standards provides governments, businesses, regions and other organisations with an integrated set of tools for programmes aimed at measuring, quantifying and reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and allows organisations to take part in emissions trading schemes using globally recognised standards. SFG’s accreditation enables it to verify, validate and certify companies under ISO 14064:1, and projects under ISO 14064:2 that meet the standards’ requirements for GHG Quantification and Reporting. 

SFG’s accreditation comes from the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) – the world association of Conformity Assessment Accreditation Bodies, through its local representative – the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB). All leading inspection, verification, testing and certification companies are accredited by their respective Governments’ accreditation bodies, which in turn have been accredited by and are members of IAF.

The certificate of accreditation was handed over to SFG Director Dr. RanjivaMunasinghe, who stated, “We are delighted to receive this globally recognised, official endorsement of our international standard services. The accreditation was issued following a rigorous process, applying the most stringent criteria.  Our mission is to set the standard in environmental verification and certification for the Asian region, and this ISO 14064 accreditation is a first step in this journey. Our business model focuses on a small team of highly qualified and dedicated experts through whom we are able to deliver cutting edge solutions to our clients, and guide them in their transformation into responsible and sustainable businesses.”

ThilakWickramasinghe, Director/CEO of SLAB commented, “We are pleased to announce that SFG has satisfied the necessary criteria and are now accredited to provide a comprehensive and thorough level of verification and validation of GHG emissions assertions, in order to award ISO 14064 certifications at both organisational and project levels. On behalf of the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board, I wish to offer my heartiest congratulations to the team at SFG and wish them the best in all their future endeavours.”

There are numerous global certification bodies operating in the Asia Pacific region that offer ISO 14064 certification. However, only the parent organisations of these bodies, based out of Europe and the U.S., are accredited to offer this certification. This results in certification fees being charged at their local (European/American) rates. SFG was created to fill the gap in the region with an accredited verification and certification body that exists to enlighten, engage and empower private sector organisations by ensuring that sustainability is placed at the forefront of their businesses. SFG also offers other certifications in key environmental focus areas such as GHG/Carbon, Water, Waste and Biodiversity. 

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