TFO launches first-ever Kids Club card in SL     Follow

We all have our favourite shopping stores. Whether it’s for clothing or accessories, there’s always that one store we turn to without even thinking. The icing on the cake is when these very stores offer loyalty programmes and cards to reward you for your continued patronage. So not only you can shop, but also the more you shop the more loyalty points you’re rewarded with and that leads to … you guessed it, more shopping. 

We, as adults are used to being rewarded for our support - in fact, it’s almost expected these days. What about the stores that think out of the box and reward not only their adult customer base but also the customer base rarely thought of by others? That’s where The Factory Outlet (TFO) comes in. It wasn’t long ago that TFO opened its doors to the masses, promising to bring affordable fashion to all. It wasn’t soon after that, that they branched out other central locations becoming a fashion retail chain known for a hassle-free shopping experience.  
With the introduction of its TFO Club loyalty programme with lifetime validity, TFO found a novel way to not only promote its products but to also reward its loyal customers with exclusive discounts and seasonal promotions. TFO Chief Operations Officer Muneer Rafik told us that taking this initiative further and as an ideal gesture in honour of the World Children’s Day, TFO is offering something extra special to a younger customer base. Who are they talking about? Kids, of course. In a novel approach TFO now present a TFO Kids Club card loyalty programme just for kids up to 16 years.
Thus, TFO began its celebration of the Children’s Day on September 30, 2016 as it launched the TFO Kids Club card loyalty programme at the TFO, Havelock outlet. The event was graced by Rafik as the chief guest of the event. Director Javid Iqbal and Chief Finance Officer Nauseer Ahamed were other special guests at the event. The event was also graced by many kids along with their parents to celebrate the World Children’s Day. 

The cards have lifetime validity and are available in Red and Yellow, which TFO believes the two most liked colours by kids. But that’s not all; the Kids Club card gathers two points per every Rs.100 spent at the store purchasing kids clothing, accessories or toys. Kids can then make further purchases at any of the showrooms using those awarded points to buy anything they wish at the store. 

In addition to this, the Kids Club card members get offers and benefits throughout the year with seasonal offers, discounts on their birthdays and special offers and benefits from other retail merchants. As a unique feature the Kids Club card also gives regular users free giveaways. So the more the card is used, the more free gifts that can be won by members. When kids reach the age of 16, the Kids Club card will be upgraded to TFO Club card and continue to give members offers in line with the loyalty programme.  

With the introduction of the Kids Club card, it is easy to see that pioneering initiatives such as this is something parents and kids of Sri Lanka will be more than thankful for. 

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