The 7th Annual NAFLIA Congress Attracts Over One Thousand Participants

Over one thousand life insurance sales professionals gathered at the BMICH on the 19th of August for the 7th annual National Forum for Life Insurance Advisers (NAFLIA). Organized by the Marketing and Sales Forum of the Insurance Association of Sri Lanka (IASL), the theme of the congress was “A Day All Sri Lankans Are Insured.” 

Following a colorful opening ceremony and impressive curtain raiser, Mr. Dirk Pereira, President of the Insurance Association of Sri Lanka and Director/ CEO of Union Assurance, addressed the gathering.  In his speech Mr. Pereira highlighted the importance of ambitious thinking. “We need to think bigger and we need to be more ambitious. We are going to cover every Sri Lankan. Our ambition cannot stop at 33% of the working population and 12.5% of the overall population. These numbers must change very quickly and I think that events such as this show the capability of the insurance industry,” Mr. Pereira stated confidently. 

First guest speaker, Mr. Ravi Kumar – Zonal Chair of MDRT, USA stepped up to the mike with a happy greeting to the audience. “Insurance can leave a legacy for you, your family and your client’s family. This is the business of kind hearts, good thoughts and selfless service in which money is but a by-product,” he said; as he went on to explain key factors and necessities in the lives of a life insurance sales professional and his/her relationship with customers. “There is nothing more important than the customer seated before you,” stated Mr. Kumar. 

Taking the role of guest speaker Mr. Dhiraj Malhotra– Master Trainer of LIMRA International followed Mr. Kumar’s address. Mr. Malhotra shared his thoughts on the value of need-based selling and the importance of building a strong element of trust with customers. 

A high-powered panel discussion based on the theme of the congress followed. Moderated by chief guest, Mrs. Indrani Sugathadasa, the Chairperson of the Insurance Board of Sri Lanka (IBSL), the panel consisted of well known leaders in the insurance industry; Managing Director/CEO of Ceylinco Life, Mr. R. Renganathan, Chairman of SLIC, Mr. Hemaka Amarasuriya, Director/ CEO of Union Assurance, Mr. Dirk Pereira and Director/ CEO of AIA, Mr. Shah Rouf. 

The NAFLIA Congress also served as the launching event of the Life Insurance Awareness Month campaign. This year the campaign’s organizers intend to reach over one million persons across the island and provide insurance coverto seventy thousand customers.

The lunch break preceded Dr. KumaIddamallena’s motivational speech to boost the morale and energy of life insurance advisors. Following this inspiring session was a second panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Rukman Weeraratne, the General Manager Marketing & Distribution of Union Assurance. The top MDRT qualifiers of nine insurance companies in Sri Lanka took part in the panel to share their success stories with the audience. 

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