Triumphant Sri Lankan Duo fly the Fairway Holdings Flag at the peak of Mount Everest

Fairway Holdings made history recently, by becoming the only Sri Lankan company to have their flag fly high on top of the world at the summit of Mt Everest. Fairway Holdings took a leading role in supporting the efforts of Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala and Johann Peries as the Summit Sponsor of their Expedition to Mt Everest. The triumphant duo were presented with commemorative medals when they returned to Sri Lanka by Fairway Holdings. Congratulations go out to Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala for becoming the first Sri Lankan to reach the summit of Everest! After an arduous overnight trek by moonlight Jayanthi reached the summit of Everest in the early hours of 21st May 2016. She now joins a select band of 419 women who have succeeded in reaching the roof of the world. Kudos is also due to her fellow Sri Lankan and climbing partner Johann Peiris, who made it up past ‘The Balcony’ - a small platform at 27,600 feet, where climbers rest and take in the vista of the Himalayas in the early light of dawn.   

As we celebrate Jayanthi and Johann’s inspired effort and achievement, we cannot but acknowledge the very real and ever present risks that they faced - sudden calamity, grave injury and slow death. In the week of Jayanthi and Johann’s summit bid, three climbers (Indian, Dutch and Australian nationals) lost their lives on Everest and more are still missing.

Despite the rigorous training and grueling acclimatization rotations, finally it is the strength of will and the determination to succeed that drives the best climbers to go the distance. To meticulously plan a great endeavor over months and years and have the fortitude to see it through to fruition in the face of strenuous hardship and physical exhaustion is the stuff of heroism. 

Jayanthi’s remarkable feat of physical endurance and mental fortitude is also a source of great inspiration to all Sri Lankans, especially the younger generations of our country.    

Fairway Holdings, the summit sponsors for the Sri Lankan Everest Expedition salute Jayanthi and Johann for their fantastic effort and for encouraging Sri Lankans everywhere to seize the day and set their sights on achieving extraordinary goals. Fairway Holdings is a company that whole-heartedly embraces the spirit of extreme adventure, the passion, the grit and the hard work that enables the pursuit of excellence and the achievement of extraordinary dreams.

The Everest Expedition Team wish to thank their sponsors: Summit Sponsor - Fairway Holdings; Airline Partner - Sri Lankan Airlines; Base Camp Sponsors - Seylan Bank, Sri Lanka Mobitel Telecom, and Janashakthi Insurance; and Gear Sponsors - SEALs, Petzl and Victorinox.


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