Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery organizes blood donation programme

The Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery recently organized its 7th blood donation programme at its premises. 
Over 210 donors took part in this blood donation camp which was organized by the senior management and staff of the Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery. 

The staff members of the organisation, customers and the general public as well as the soldiers of the Panagoda Army Camp Engineering Corps enthusiastically participated in this charity event. 

Further, the staff of the National Blood Bank and the Rotary Club of Colombo East extended their fullest support for the success of this endeavor.

“This is the seventh consecutive year that a successful blood donation programme was organized by Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery as a social service. 

We hope to hold this programme next year as well,” said Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery CEO A. P. Jeyarajah.

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