What a Way to Grow!

Optima Designs teams up with Expo Lanka to create a plant-able annual report  

What if annual reports were more than just reams of paper ? What if they lasted longer and remained relevant long after the year under review has passed ? That’s exactly what Expo had in mind in taking sustainable reporting to the next level when they combined their philosophy with design innovators - Optima Designs. 

The Expo Lanka Annual Report titled “Way to Grow” is another feather in the cap of the design house , as readers can plant the cover page and breakers in its entirety after perusal since it has been created with seed paper, which will result in plants over time.  The cover and breakers are perforated and can be easily detached . Each page carries its unique seed, resulting in a variety of vegetables and greens.

Anjum Cader, MD/CEO of Optima Designs said, “I am very excited at what Optima is creating with annual reports, in what is usually considered an extremely rigid product. It shows that we can definitely think out of the box, so much so that now it’s thinking out of the flower pot! ”

Team Optima also acknowledged their client Expo Lanka and Head of Marketing, Corporate Communications & CSR, Paddy Weerasekera  for giving them free rein in bringing their novel ideas into  fruition.

Optima Designs Pvt. Limited offers innovative design coupled with excellent service and quality products that will stand out among the rest. Check them out at www.optimadesigns.lk


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