WiLAT paves the way for youngsters

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Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) Sri Lanka concluded yet another successful event recently on ‘Interview Facing Techniques’ at the auditorium of the National Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka for the mentees registered under its Ignite mentoring programme.
It was heartening to witness the participation of an enthusiastic group of youngsters from many different universities and from the industry. The session was conducted by Unilever Sri Lanka Limited Quality Assurance Manager GTM Dilmini Weragama. 
She shared her knowledge and experience with the youngsters in an interactive way ensuring that the audience was well engaged. The programme focused on how to mentally and physically prepare oneself to successfully face an interview. 
Dilmini never failed to keep the audience on their toes, with all the interesting stories she had to share. She emphasized on the interview facing techniques, dos and don’ts at an interview and many other key areas on which the attention should be drawn prior to facing an interview. Later, the session was followed with group exercises to engage participants and to familiarize them on preparation involved for 
an interview.



The key highlight of the evening was the mock interview session to demonstrate a real-life interview scenario. Two young interviewees were exposed to an eminent panel of interviewers consisting of DSI Group of Companies Group HR Director Sarath Jayasinghe, Finlays Colombo PLC Executive Director Gihan Jayasinghe and University of Sri Jayewardenepura Faculty of Engineering Senior Lecturer Dr. Ganga Samarasekera. Their expert comments and insights undoubtedly enlightened 
the youngsters.
WiLAT Chairperson Gayani de Alwis in her concluding remarks mentioned the audience that WiLAT will be conducting a series of programmes like this in the future to make youngsters capable of entering the world of work with confidence and urged the mentees to make use of this opportunity for their own development. 
She also thanked WiLAT Vice Chairperson Anoma Ranasinghe and ExCo member Maithree Attanayaka for taking the lead to organise this interactive workshop. 
Judging by the feedback received, the event was indeed successful and WiLAT continues its journey on paving the way for budding young professionals to excel in their chosen career paths in the field of logistics and transport.
WiLAT is the women’s forum of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Sri Lanka. Currently, WiLAT is present in 18 countries with over 1600 members in four continents. 
The WiLAT Sri Lanka forum was formed in 2013 by the CILT Sri Lanka to encourage the representation of women in the transport and logistics industry and to address the wide gender imbalance. WiLAT Sri Lanka creates awareness on career opportunities, increases access to information and supports continuous professional development. 
The forum also offers networking opportunities to share industry best practices as well as training and mentoring opportunities. The Ignite mentoring programme is the flagship event of WiLAT Sri Lanka, which provides an opportunity for young females to be mentored by the senior ladies in the industry annually. 


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